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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by JesusSweatDuck

  1. We keep saying "eliminate Hamas" but if the Palestinian people support Hamas as much as we're saying, is there really a way to eliminate Hamas without Genocide? Won't something else that has a different name, but the same beliefs just pop up in it's place?
  2. Oh for sure, that's just usually what I've heard of when saying you were that poor. You could only afford peanut butter as your only source of protein. My grandfather grew up on that in the depression era.
  3. I don't think it is immediate shareholder value. Otherwise it would be illegal to make long term bets that temporarily decrease shareholder value. It is "shareholder value" but the window of that value isn't defined.
  4. I'm curious how much Elko's buyout actually is/was
  5. @horn_of_the_morningare you from India? A lot of my Indian coworkers say stuff like "today morning."
  6. Last check wasn't going to show up until Sunday. Needed that payday
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