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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by JesusSweatDuck

  1. I'm surprised that Saudi Arabia isn't shooting them down because they're flying through their airspace.
  2. Yeah, just saw the twitter thread and he was totally debunked and he kept doubling down instead of admitting he was wrong. I couldn't tell, but I assume he was an OSU fan with an agenda.
  3. That's after contact. He was pushed out. The guy trying to use that image is a fucking moron.
  4. Also, they didn't buzz down for the review. Sark had to force it.
  5. It was a yard or two every spot
  6. They blew it dead before the kick because Robinson had a clear path to the holder
  7. Another starting QB down. Thanks to @Longhornfrenzyfor grabbing before it gets deleted
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