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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by JesusSweatDuck

  1. @horn_of_the_morningare you from India? A lot of my Indian coworkers say stuff like "today morning."
  2. Last check wasn't going to show up until Sunday. Needed that payday
  3. Honestly, every time I see Matt Campbell I think he's a giant asshole too. He's always screaming at players after a mistake.
  4. We actually scored a touchdown on the next play, but this spot was so horribly bad. Was happening all night
  5. JWitt with several big plays tonight. Love that for him
  6. EABOD Matt Campbell
  7. So no change then?
  8. Think we'll find out how much his buyout actually is/was if they hire him? I assume since they're a public institution they'll have to publish that data.
  9. The learning curve can be quiet a muenster
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