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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by JesusSweatDuck

  1. UT-Dallas for engineering/comp sci. It's a great school and I work for a major tech company and we recruit from there every year.
  2. Should have added Texas schools, but yes, Penn State and MSU should be on the list as well
  3. Baylor and aggy are the only two places my kids are not allowed to go to. Both institutions have shown they don't give a single fuck about student safety
  4. NIL bagmen now. No, we're doing everything above board. It's not illegal or unethical. Cry harder gomer
  5. If it's yellow let it mellow. If it's brown flush it down
  6. If you watch, he came out in to the field screaming at one of his players. That dude is completely unhinged
  7. I'll never think about you again rapelor
  8. Dave Aranda seems like he sucks
  9. Jesus Christ, quit fucking around
  10. I just tuned in to catch the end of the game. What the fuck is with the tire on tech's sideline
  11. Says the guy who's too poor for Treefiddy or Burnt Ends. You're just a sad worthless troll who is poor
  12. Because he flashes the hook 'em and says burnt orange? Not something you'd expect from a strong aggy commit. Unless these commits have figured out that's how you get aggy to drop more bags
  13. Looked like targeting to me
  14. That was a late hit
  15. Turner hurt on the sideline
  16. They would eject Jimbo as well
  17. SEC should fine Jimbo for rushing the field
  18. Messed up his ankle when his OL forgot to block
  19. Almost to the hashes
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