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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by JesusSweatDuck

  1. Love that he talks about Hudson. That dude is playing you, he's going to tech and just loves trolling other staffs.
  2. Need to get the Austin Beerworks guys in the stadium. Any other local breweries that are big?
  3. Whole I know these things aren't related, I wish they were.
  4. Wonder how much they're paying to show up to the cement pond party at the apartment complex. Who's over cooking the bbq this year?
  5. Think you're wrong here. From the Tribune article: "However, Hart Blanton, the head of the university's department of communications and journalism who was closely involved in McElroy's recruiting, said in a statement Friday that Banks interfered with the hiring process early on and that race was a factor in university officials' decision to water down the job offer." Sounds like Banks was fucking around, and she found out.
  6. Why not same day? If you're gonna get savage may as well go all in. While he's there
  7. Man, someone is going to look like an idiot. Hopefully it is Mike Roach.
  8. Must really suck to play in front of a sold out stadium, with record season ticket sales, on a team supported by the largest NIL deals in a city with a vibrant night life. These guys are an embarrassment.
  9. Just pray to cheese-us those cheese puns die quickly
  10. Saw three new pages and thought something happened. Fuck all of you, every single one of you assholes, for wasting my last 20 minutes
  11. I also think Charlie was doing the pool party thing before Jimbo just with out the bags
  12. It amazes me still that aggy spins their decade of extreme cheating as some sort of conspiracy to hold them down. They're lucky their football program didn't get the death sentence like SMU. Also, there were a lot of all men's universities that were successful in football so that excuse also rings hollow
  13. Did I miss when they found a QB in the off-season?
  14. A lot of FB's content moderation is done in Austin at their buildings in the domain. The people that work there are different
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