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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by JesusSweatDuck

  1. ACC Riverside certainly does. He can take the UT Shuttle over there.
  2. Insurance sales counts as financial services
  3. Ella's player profile and tournament results - https://volleyballlife.com/player/59861 And Harper's - https://volleyballlife.com/player/24033
  4. How else are you going to steal all their natural resources?
  5. I guess it shouldn't surprise me that in the first one that soldier climbed over his dying buddy to get to cover and didn't even try to help him (although he was probably dead either way).
  6. Challenge accepted -Uncle Boobs
  7. and with all of those details, he just doxxed his "source" if she actually exists.
  8. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ukraine-kids-cancer-60-minutes-2023-06-25/ 60 Minutes did a story about the evacuation of kids with cancer. A part the really hit me was when the Dr from St Jude said that for some they were just giving them a safe place to die. Fuck you Russia, fuck you Putin.
  9. Someone was trying to be a bit too much like his username. Lay off the powder and put down the bottle for a bit
  10. Had to give th FU so you could hit for the cycle. Will pos rep two others
  11. Better than being called Taylor Hamm or Ketchum. Unfortunately my waistline is looking like Roach's lately
  12. Was it Herman or Strong that they gave a very similar moniker?
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