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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by smoky

  1. You've earned a 4th glass
  2. That dashboard really needs a denominator. Without knowing how many kids are back in person, it's good info, but not a whole lot of help.
  3. Man, that's tough. What are the chances that his friends come back to school soon? Someone has to lead the way and it sounds like yall are the ones doing it. But if the families of his friends aren't on board, then that's going to be a rough road for your son.
  4. I've got 2 kids in elementary and 1 in middle school. The middle school teachers (and from what I've seen on FB, the high school teachers) are absolutely petrified to be in the same building as kids. Meanwhile, the elementary teachers are rocking it. My elementary kids are back in person and loving it. But like others on here, we've kept our middle schooler at home because they're still not switching classes. The middle school teachers are really trying hard to persuade the kids to not come back, telling them how awful it'll be if they choose to come back. They're even writing that the kids will be in the classroom and the teacher will drag their desks out into the hallway and zoom teach from there. The principal of the middle school sent out a letter home regarding the Nov 2nd "Return to School". 27% of teachers will not be in person at my son's middle school. In our elementary school, only 1 classroom teacher isn't in the classroom. Really surprised at the upper grades, but really proud of our elementary teachers and admins for keeping it together.
  5. Oh man, we've played out in Taylor recently and this post is the truth.
  6. Did the Travis county tracker stop reporting cases by zip code?
  7. He's rolled out the following slogans recently to start the season: "1-0" (he actually used this two years in a row. We lost to Maryland both times.) "We Are One" (spoiler alert, we aren't)
  8. He's coming by boat? I thought I heard he was at the airport...
  9. Ohhhh... "We Are One" Now I get it.
  10. And the second part is a result of the first
  11. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/10/schools-arent-superspreaders/616669/
  12. What was their reason for making the request? If they were cool with going back on Jan 1, why not three months earlier. What, in their minds, was going to change in those 90 days?
  13. Lincoln Riley uses the word "vacay" on instagram and closes out every post with #soblessed
  14. Lincoln Riley considers "belly tats" just "tats"
  15. Lincoln Riley laughed when he heard Luby's was going to have to sell all their assets.
  16. Dallas moved theirs to May. Austin still on for Feb, as of now with a list of precautions/ possibilities on how it'll be run.
  17. For those of us in AISD were supposed to self screen at home before coming to school each morning using the app. The AISD app asks if you're experiencing covid related symptoms: fever, chills, cough, etc. It lists all of them, but then the last symptom they ask is "not feeling well in general?" And the next question is "have you been around anyone in the last 24 who's had any of the above symptoms?" That's like every other day in my house... In short, we need cheap, rapid results that can be administered easily if we're going to get through the Fall. Also, the app asks different questions in iOS vs android.
  18. Tim Brando brings his wife with him on work trips.
  19. Tim Brando sucks
  20. Hoo hoo
  21. So the obvious noncall penalties on us are egregious, but the ones on them are silly and two steppy
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