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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by smoky

  1. Yeah, for the kids that live with grandma, they'll unfortunately need to stay home. But then they can get paired virtually with the teacher that needs to stay home. Also, let's just say for argument's sake, the virus sweeps through a school. If everybody's antibody test is all good, teachers and kids alike, shouldn't they be able to go unencumbered?
  2. The risk of not teaching children face-to-face seems like a known quantity that doesn't seem discussed enough. The children of the well-off and the education-minded will be alright. There's all sorts of talk currently on NextDoor and FB on forming pods, small groups, hiring tutors / private teachers, etc. The children of the poor will not be as lucky. We'll be trying to teach 5th graders how to read in a few years. We really need to spend our energy on getting students and teachers in a face-to-face setting, safely while looking closely at how covid affects children. From my armchair, kids aren't as affected by the virus short term. But take an education away from a kid, that'll screw him for life.
  3. Do they know where they contracted it? Seems like most people unfortunately put their guard down around friends and family... But that's just my theory without any real data behind it.
  4. I dont think anyone has heard this yet, but what are private schools going to do? They have a real incentive to figure out how to safely teach kids face-to-face in the Fall, whereas public schools can just ho-hum it and we're okay with it. If a private school comes out and says "We're virtual this fall", enrollment will plummet and they'll be in a world of hurt financially. They need butts in seats to keep operating. No one is going to pay 15K a year to stare at a screen at home. Although they might pay 30K to push out half the kids? Any surly private school families hearing of plans for the fall?
  5. So... 2020-2021 will be virtual then because there's no way we go 5 days without a positive. That kind of unpredictability won't work for parents.
  6. I heard Leander teachers who want to teach virtually will have to apply for that role. It's sad, but makes sense. That's a different role, and not every teacher is good at it.
  7. Gonna need confirmation that Fletcher's and 6 ticket beer tent will be open.
  8. What does a 35 day shutdown look like? Haven't we been in a "Shelter in place" since March?
  9. Grand Theft Auto: Flavortown
  10. Something's not lining up with that graph. 2,637 is Texas' total. Travis' death count is at 136
  11. While overall cases in MN are staying flat, here's an interesting age view of who's getting it. If you're over 30, you're taking it seriously.
  12. 100% agree with this. We've had pretty poor messaging from the the start, which causes a ton of confusion about what's what. Mandates aren't going to get people to wear masks. We have to be convinced why it's important to wear masks. Los Angeles mandated masks way back in April and they're still in a shitty situation. I'm only just now starting to see some good, easy-to-follow ads about why we should wear a mask. Can't remember which of the threads it was on, but the one with the four sets of a couple talking to each other with percent chance of spread per masking situation is great. Should've been produced months ago even if the percentages are bullshit.
  13. This whole thing makes me realize that Marketing is an underrated degree.
  14. What's Georgia look like compared to Texas and California? Didn't they have a similar reopening to us?
  15. Not been renewed yet. Not sure if that's because of the rona or because the show kinda sucks (yet I've still watched all of it)
  16. Bitcoin out, Charmin in.
  17. Pretty good guidance from the American Academy of Pediatrics. Lots more here.
  18. I would think for folks in your situation, school districts would need to provide remote learning for your 9th graders as that would be the safest option for your family until a vaccine is developed. Same would go for teachers with pre-existing conditions. You match up those teachers to virtually teach the students who need to stay home.
  19. Some nice views where they mixed in re-opening timelines, but I'd still like to see things like age & hospitalizations mixed into the counts and also go down to zip code level for each county.
  20. For those that get hospitalized, what's the average timeline on infected-> feeling sick -> in the hospital? How quickly do they go downhill? What's the average length of a hospital stay?
  21. Like when there's a car accident, both drivers are sober, but the passenger is drunk and that's now considered an "alcohol related accident?"
  22. Should we have imposed a NYC shutdown in March or when we needed to do it? America isn't a one size fits all country, but unfortunately we (Texas) applied a one size fits all approach once Manhattan started getting fucked. Hindsight says maybe we should waited a touch instead of expending our stay-at-home capital when there we're only a couple dozen cases in Travis county.
  23. Six of one, rape dozen of another
  24. Shaggy long game
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