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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by smoky

  1. "Written For" minstrel shows vs "Performed At" minstrel shows?
  2. Maybe if the band would slow it down to normal speed this wouldn't be an issue
  3. The power/ internet goes out
  4. Yup. Think of how far behind some of our schoolkids are going to be if this continues into the Fall. While "The Economy" is the loudest conversation right now, what about "The Education of our Kids"? I get that some kids are raised by older adults, and we should find solutions for the children in those families. But for your average 5th grader who has parents in their 30s and a teacher that's 45, the risk is relatively low. The danger of keeping those kids at home "learning virtually" is pretty high. And that's just the educational aspect. We're just now starting to hear about some of the abuse cases caused by kids raised by parents who probably shouldnt be parents, and the stories are pretty horrific. Oh, and a by-product of kids going to school are adults that can go to work.
  5. Seems like a hospitalization count or death count, by age, would be an even better way to present the data, especially if it's current, not cumulative. If we do ramp up testing, tallying up thousands of positive college kids who were asymptomatic doesn't tell the whole picture.
  6. No point other than you have to start somewhere. Net loss is not a good long term business plan. But if you can get crafty with the $45 in GA costs, maybe you can make it work until phase 2. Maybe waiting until phase 2 is the better choice, but by then who knows what meat prices will look like. This virus doesn't affect everyone the same. Opening Luby's doors wide open vs opening Hat Creek's doors wide open will have two varying effects on the community.
  7. Wouldn't the shelter in place model be something like this: Sell $0 Food labor $0 Overhead $45 Loss $45
  8. Arent lawsuits factors of the bottom line?
  9. ... It was Ziegler
  10. Scott left out a key piece of information in his tweet: "Emma was diagnosed with pneumonia on March 15 " Humans who are already in difficult situations are going to have a hard time with this virus.
  11. smoky

    Favorite Virus Songs

  12. I kinda want these places to be open once I come out of my shelter, so I'll try to support them as best I can. Maybe throw everything in the microwave for ten seconds first. That should do it, right?
  13. I dont think anyone's going to fight you over that.
  14. "Good call out"
  15. We're terrible. We should lose easily.
  16. welcome to the party, pal
  17. Good thing we've got that totally super awesome pass rush
  18. Yup. Was hoping them plus Rick Rubin would recreate I and Love and You, which I think is a great album They didn't.
  19. After a quick listen this morning on the way into work... It's pretty political.
  20. What's a Big Ticket? Is that paying extra for an assigned seat? That worked for us 20 years ago.
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