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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by smoky

  1. If driving from Boston to Portland, is NH the place to stop for booze or is it comparable to everywhere else?
  2. From the Configuration page...
  3. I'm exactly where you are. I've been seeing May-July as my date on the Tesla website for the past couple of months. Got my configuration email last week and was stoked only to log in and see it might be another 3-5 months. And they want another 2.5K, non-refundable, which to me means they're short on cash and also means the full US EV credit might not be there once I take delivery.
  4. You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous is "Never get involved in a land war in Asia" but only slightly less well known is this: "Never go against an aggy when an internet poll is on the line!"
  5. dam
  6. Longview: Hands on a Hard Body
  7. I'm no Yacht Rock professional, but the latest Dawes album, Passwords, sounds like they're angling for some Yacht Rock radio airplay.
  8. https://www.tennessean.com/story/sports/college/vanderbilt/2018/05/16/vanderbilt-baseball-whistler-vandy-sec-tournament-espn-tim-corbin-lsu-mississippi-state-tennessee/606219002/ Who is the Vandy whistler — 'worst person in the world' to SEC baseball fans? There are 2 of them
  9. looked like he lost it in the flick of the glove downward to the ground. similar to hibbeler losing it on the flick upward after the rest on the rail.
  10. Love the RTP area. I've enjoyed Picnic in Durham and Crook's Corner in Chapel Hill http://www.picnicdurham.com http://www.crookscorner.com/
  11. If any of you with tickets need to go to work and want me to keep your seat warm... Fine, I'll do it.
  12. I think this is the right spot for this. Looking for an Arborist in Austin to help with the City of Austin Report that will get a "heritage" tree gone. Once the tree is gone we can move on to the GC/ Add on phase. aka Dirty Trees Done Dirt Cheap
  13. motivate motivate motivate motivate motivate poooooor aggies
  14. The Woodlands breaking Dallas's decade plus state title streak is pretty impressive. HP won the D2 championship means it'll be back soon though. Anyone make it out to Dragon Stadium this past weekend for the games?
  15. PSA, tcad moved the protest deadline up to may 15, not may 31st as it's been for a while.
  16. Was he translating?
  17. Buncha assholes on this site.
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