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Cleo McDowell

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Everything posted by Cleo McDowell

  1. Anyone know Kevin in real life? Someone's gotta
  2. I guess it took that WUZZZUP shit like 10 years to finally die off. Yeesh.
  3. You really think EV will restructure as an MLP? I haven't followed them so have no idea, but seems like it would be pretty foolish.
  4. Is the dilly dilly thing ever gonna end?
  5. You can find some houses on Airbnb or HomeAway in Terlingua that have a/c and showers.
  6. Maybe this will help some of the alts out. https://blog.coinbase.com/adding-erc20-support-to-coinbase-fe9cba6782b
  7. Probably buy all the Eskimo Huts.
  8. This was one of the best albums from last year, not sure why this dude doesn't get more publicity. It's good shit.
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