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Everything posted by Hornsfan863

  1. Really excited to see this one, heard good things so far. Also took me a while, but was fun to realize what the title sounds like when you say it out loud
  2. But how much for liquid smoke? Heard that's the key to a good brisket
  3. Dr. Narwhals Mating takes it for me, but Quindarious Gooch got me too. Lots of good ones
  4. You're gonna love this neighborhood, every single house here recycles
  5. if you guys ever need fertilizer, I've got a lot of it
  6. waking up before your alarm goes off, but with enough time to go back to sleep
  7. never change
  8. <- b/c huskies are the best, especially when they're bounding around with their tongues hanging out
  9. this thread made my day
  10. the completionist in me is very satisfied with those pictures
  11. looks horrible now. lost all formatting
  12. same. was worried surly was gone
  13. this. season 8 was very meh
  14. same here on the car chase. guess that's what they had to do to make it work for a movie. not sure the challenge for the first key would translate to a movie too well Definitely excited for the movie though. was a gamer as a kid, so loved the book
  15. Really hope they bring it back, one of the best shows out there
  16. Your avatar is the greatest. I want that dog
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