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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Okcool

  1. A little bit of sunshine this morning.
  2. I’m selling two seats on the aisle in Section 32 Row 46 for Alabama. $300/each. Pm if interested 🤘🏼
  3. I’m selling 4 Alabama tickets in Section 3 Row 18. One Yellow Lot 108 Parking and Champions Club passes included. $675/each. pm if interested.
  4. Perfect. This dipshit’s email address will come in handy when I know spam is headed my way with a login.
  5. Better yet, when does Jayvon Thomas make the move to join his teammate Muhammad? He’s got an inch on Rogers.
  6. Real recruiting. Is this what aggy meant by “flip season”?? 🤣
  7. So this is about Wilson, not Baxter this Wednesday?? LFG if so!
  8. What’s this bring aggy’s beloved avg too? https://247sports.com/player/naquil-betrand-46131038/
  9. I know it should go on coach’s thread, but fits the post above. Coach Choice is a bad man.
  10. With home prices in Texas these days that’s most suburbs/municipalities unfortunately.
  11. In my mind I'm going to choose to believe it went like this...LFG 🤘
  12. aggy math brother. Never fails to entertain.
  13. DL Samu just committed to aggy
  14. Incoming looch tweet and aggy mods spewing BS in t-minus….rent free
  15. It’s still at The Cottages in that shithole of a town? aggy own the apartment complex?
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