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Everything posted by Getafix

  1. Ohhh ... Maid! I thought it was Maid. Like so ... Huh. Who woulda thunk it.
  2. If Manning helps get this guy, ... huge. Huge.
  3. Meanwhile, a couple of hours ago ...
  4. Aggies getting ready for their first national championship opportunity in a big three sport since forever, and Greg Sankey comes on the pregame show and talks about the excitement surrounding Texas and OU joining the SEC. Lulz.
  5. (I would have gone w/ Vivaldi for the sound track ... 🤭 🤭 🤭.)
  6. 🤘 🤘 🤘 Mo Bo, mo Bo, some mo Bo ...
  7. Lacey and Ffrench Awwwww 🧡 🧡 🧡
  8. Notes from the Gerry / Bobby OTF Stream - June 22, 2024 (AM) Kade Phillips Good things behind the scenes, he and family wanted this offer; would like a chance at corner - open to safety, if that doesn't work out; Texas or LSU decision; Derek Williams is his host (guy from Louisiana, who chose Texas) Jaime Ffrench Continue to hear positive things; had a call this AM - blue blood program thinks Moore and Ffrench ultimately end up at Texas; Mom, Dad, sibling, couple of coaches with Ffrench; Texas had confidence starting weekend, not heard anything to change that; Bobby - looks like Texas has a great shot; Gerry - Mom really liked her last visit, Jaime mentioned that, Mom flashed Hook 'em stepping off the plane, really excited about football/academic combination at Texas Madden Faraimo At one point, was thought to be a lock to ND; Texas/Notre Dame competition; Mom and Dad with him, Nansen attached at the hip on visit; really big kid Michael Fasusi Hearing good things about the visit so far; Gerry - now think it's Texas vs. OU; Texas has been in a favorable position for a while, now need to close it out; Gerry - Texas feels pretty good, but knows it's a battle w/ three big regional schools for a top tackle; Goosby hosting Fasusi Brandon Brown At OU this weekend; Mom is w/ him at OU - very interesting; barring something this weekend, Gerry still thinks it's Texas/LSU; same three schools as Dominick Williams; visiting Tennessee, but they're not in it; OU may try to muddy the waters against Texas, if they don't get in it themselves FSU visitors - Kevin Wynn / Myron Charles / Javion Hilson Big weekend for FSU; Wynn and Charles are two of their top four; FSU has thought they have been the favorites for those two, since spring; with Zion Williams not coming, these visits become even bigger for Texas (Wynn/Charles/Brown/Sharma). Javion Hilson - interesting if Mom continues to say she wants Hilson out of state. Alabama visitors - Josiah Sharma / Dijon Lee Josiah Sharma - committed to Washington (DeBoer and Courteney Morgan - that'll be the tough call if Sharma doesn't commit to Alabama). Dijon Lee - wild card - expected to commit June 28th. Had a better than expected visit to Texas. Nansen recruitment. Also fighting Bama for Lockett, Townsend, Kaleb Edwards. Oregon visitor - Dakorien Moore Host Evan Stewart. But Texas vs. Ohio State. Texas remains favorite. Ohio State visitor - Dorian Brew Ohio State vs. Texas. Oregon/USC thinks they're in it. Mom in Ohio State Hall of Fame, visiting with Brew. Almost committed in Jan. Up there for spring break. Ohio State has #1 and #2 corners already committed. Texas A&M visitor - Riley Pettijohn Throwing kitchen sink, hard sell. Texas has been in a pretty good spot for a while; A&M knew they were working from behind, going into the weekend. Ohio State in it too.
  9. Snippets from Hank South (Horns 247) The guy to Sark's right ... any eligibility left??? A nice pic for a nice cause. From Bond. Isaiah Bond.
  10. Hank South (Horns 247) Also from South, key targets visiting other schools Oregon Dakorien Moore Jonah Williams Michael Terry III Kaleb Edwards FSU Kevin Wynn Javion Hilson (FSU commit) Myron Charles Lamont Rogers Alabama Dijon Lee Josiah Sharma Ohio State Dorian Brew USC Marco Jones Trestin Castro Texas A&M Riley Pettijohn
  11. Looks like he's a K State guy. Wonder what he knows about an Haitian Irish kid named Ffrench ... hmm.
  12. Seems happy - GREAT hook 'em - and pops seems captivated 🙂
  13. This is a pretty amazing thread of comments. It's from LSU 247. I'll post the entire thread, so I'm not - even unintentionally - guilty of cherry-picking. Secretariat rooting for a loss? (Note the upvotes) LSUBaller - Aggies have been fakely winning natties since 1939 ... CenLA Tiger despises equivocation. And Aggies. jrustyrich skewers with pithiness. Familiarity breeds contempt. Especially for Ags. dolphinatic76 is the smartest dolphinatic yet! deauxboy2 - tell us about the day you first met Satyanash? hartjb - that's spoken like a real Man,son!! TwistedTiger66 - an Aggie loss, and his cup of joy runneth over. Is cout12 in the bumper-sticker business? We wonder. LsULZ ... Millerball3 is careless with his whispers ... Uh oh ... the Texas boogeyman cometh ... Highroller 99 (aka Ian BOyd's anti-matter) !!! CTJ has a Cajun sock !!! !!! CTJ has TWO Cajun socks !!! The mods are ALWAYS neutral ... lulz.
  14. Gerry's position - he's stated this multiple times - is that Sanders would be a good, developmental take, provided he was say the 4th DL taken. He thought we needed to sign 3 out of - Brandon Brown - Kevin Wynn - Myron Charles - Josiah Sharma - Zion Williams - Derry Norris (haven't heard his name in some time ... ) In that scenario, Sanders would be a good addition, as a 4th. Am assuming these are independent of Lance Jackson. - Of the ones above, Jackson/Brown/Wynn/Charles/Sharma have all OVed. - Williams and Sanders coming in this weekend. - No idea re: Norris; maybe he's no longer being pursued.
  15. Per Gerry, Dorian Brew's decision may come down to Ohio State or Texas. FYI, in this class, Ohio State has - #1 corner (Sanchez) - #2 corner (Offord) - #4 safety (Delane) - two other safeties
  16. Holy smokes, Michigan ... that cookie cake. And how appropriate that our old friend sounds delighted.
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