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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Longhornlove

  1. If someone can't put on 20 lbs of muscle in 8 months can anyone explain the remarkable transformation of Colt McCoy? ..............It can be done, without steroids even. I did it at the tender age of 23. People accused me of using steroids. I had never been into any type of strength training or bodybuilding. I simply dedicated myself to transforming my body. I will say that once Transformed it was damn tough adding muscle weight. Was a very slow process, took another year to add 10 pounds.
  2. You do know the price of a 3/4 ton truck has damn near doubled in the last 3 years right?
  3. Thanks but I will bow and and leave them to their little sandbox. There is no such thing as a differing opinion, not allowed here obviously. I would love to say more but these people need to put their pitchforks down, take a deep breath and leave their emotions out of it for once.
  4. Thanks, I do enjoy disrupting everyone patting each other on the back for groupthink.
  5. 2016- 2018 Probably because both parties hated Trump. Lets do one more 2007-2011(4 years) Democrat.
  6. I have posted facts that refute the narrative being spread in this thread. They aren't good enough for you, you didn't want to see them in the first place.
  7. Keep digging into my posting history creep. I didn't even look and see what you posted.
  8. I have no idea who that is and no I don't work in fast food. Nice try though. Maybe Wildcat09 can be even more creepy and dig around to give you insight.
  9. So what is your point? I was right, the laptop was real and I have a job that requires me to work. Kinda part of the definition of a job. You people actually deserve the slimy reputation of the CR. Aren't you the creepy bastard that threatened to dox me and send people to my house?
  10. I haven't looked yet and I am not beholden to you. I actually have a job that requires me do things ya know.
  11. Why didn't the they pass one when the Democrats had all 3 branches of government. This isn't just a Republican thing.
  12. You know what is going on, the truth is secondary to what is "reported". If you can't see that after what has got on over the last 3 years at minimum, I'm not sure providing you additional facts are gonna help. You yourself have seen the tweets from Henry Ceullar who is a ranking member on a Homeland Security sub. committee. It was a lie.
  13. Is it efficient use of taxpayer money to bring millions of immigrants in our country and house them, feed them, educate them and pay for their health care?
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