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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Longhornlove

  1. Good, Texas was probably a couple of plays away from boat racing them. That QB was a slippery fuck and anyone else we played at QB gets sacked 8 times in that game. They pulled out all the stops and we shot ourselves in the dick multiple times. For instance, we don't run into the punter we are up 17-0 at half. What if we managed to score another TD. You put them down 24-0 there is a damn good chance we win by 30 or more. They wouldn't have been able to stick to the run and wear us out IMO. Talent wise, these two teams are close. I see why OSU is a favorite but that probably wasn't the case 3 weeks ago or maybe even a week ago. The Clemson game wasn't really an outlier IMO. Great QB play and our own mistakes let them back in the game but we controlled that game outside the first possession.
  2. Great, where do you put him? How high and why? I have no idea where he lands for me yet. I literally never seen him play until I watched two big plays on YouTube today. Hard to rank something you wen't alive to see. When I was watching football early in my life it wasn't like there was a YouTube to go pull up the film. You read about it, if that. The people commenting that I am wrong didn't watch it either. I only know what I know and what I see. I see stats that outside of wins are terrible in comparison to what we have been used to since Texas ditched the wishbone. My top 4 right now is 1. VY 2. COLT 3. QUINN 4. SAM
  3. Yes, yes, we should conveniently leave out the loss to the chief rival at home for a chance to play for a conference championship, oh and by the way the only common opponent between the two teams. Makes perfect sense.
  4. LOL at the cheerleader doing backflips, on the field after the long pass.
  5. Sounds like a defensive struggle. I understand your point. It is still near impossible to compare the eras. Street was 6 of 10 for 124 yards and 2 INTs.
  6. How often did that happen with 20 TDs and 24 INTs? You weren't even alive I'm pretty sure........just like me. He was asked to hand off, pitch the ball, run some and throw 8 times a game.
  7. No, I'm not. I just have a difference of opinion. Not that it belongs in this thread to begin with. What is the fucking criteria? There isn't any, it is all subjective thereby it is just fucking opinion. I have mine, you have yours thereby I'm wrong because you own the place. No need to be a dick. So, it doesn't matter what the stats are? How do we choose who is the greatest, who belongs on that list? Is it favorite number? You can't say, no one is saying. Vince IMHO was the greatest, why, because he put the team on his back and did whatever was needed to win. Colt was second as he eventually did the same thing until he got injured. I didn't watch Street play and neither did you so all I have to go by are statistics. Those don't look very good outside of wins. That includes running the football. All that being said it isn't fair to compare them because it is different eras that had completely different expectations for QB play. James Street was never asked to go dominate the other teams defense and win a football game. he was never asked to show the ball 40 times and run it 15 in one game. It just isn't a fair comparison and you know it. I already said pre-modern football he was the greatest QB in longhorn nation. What else is it you want me to concede? I can't in good faith say overall he is high on that list and I'm not sure many other people are either. If I have to include him based on football that I have watched in my lifetime with what I know about how the game is currently played, he is behind a number of QBs. Quinn being one of them.
  8. Why do you act like a child? What % of the offense was James Street responsible for? Passing, Rushing, TDs. He accounted for 20 touchdowns in his career passing and rushing........CAREER. He threw 24 interceptions. Somehow I'm the one who doesn't have logic. I am being logical and telling you that it is unfair to compare them.
  9. Record in football, not talking about his baseball record. I know he was a pitcher. Duh.
  10. Because he was an option QB and that is where option QBs thrive? Ok, maybe Georgia Tech.
  11. Why do people keep bringing up Levis with me? I know very little about that dude. I know a ton about his predecessor because we are from the same town.
  12. So we are going by wins? It is settled, he is the greatest Longhorn QB of all time then. Or is it Colt who won what 44 games? Or is it Vince, because he won the National championship? Are you seeing my logic now? See, there are differences in opinion. I'm not saying you are wrong, even though I don't agree with your opinion. Why am I wrong because of mine? I'm not the one with flawed logic.
  13. You are making my point for me, you can't compare the two for multiple reasons. Will Levels was a better passing QB than James Street.........Fact. James Street was a better Option QB than Will Levis(why he is in this conversation who the fuck knows)In the modern game of football, James Street is playing football at Navy or Army.
  14. Wins are stats right? Are we measuring heart? Hand size, feet, 40 Time? Set the criteria. You are complaining about an opinion based on an opinion.
  15. It matters too me. Previous to modern football, Street was the best UT QB of all time. Modern football he isn't. Isn't his fault. Times are different. People didn't throw the ball back then. It is almost two different sports when you compare the two eras. Big linemen were what 260#. It wasn't a year around sport. Criticize me all you want. Its my opinion and I just don't think you can compare the two. If you go by wins and championships alone, sure he should probably be the greatest of all time but people aren't saying that are they? So, what exactly is the criteria? If everyone else can make up their own, I will too.
  16. If he was a pitcher he would have won the Cy Young being 20-0, too bad this is football. It is flawed. He is an all-time great longhorn, period. He ran an option offense at the highest level. That makes him a good option QB. It isn't the same and you know it.
  17. LOL, one of the better runs on the day......,ouch
  18. I can't do it. The modern era of football is so different and asks the QB to do too much. He is an all-time great longhorn but he doesn't belong on the top Texas QB list. Especially in a thread where people have criticized our QB even though he has won a ton of games while the starter. Take away wins and even Arch is higher on the list than Street. Go ahead, bash me, many won't like the take but you can't combine the two eras, there is nowhere to compare them appropriately.
  19. Those LBs were some bad ass, hard hitting Mother effers.
  20. Everyone counting out Texas? I like it. OSU getting hyped up is awesome. Sure they looked good against Oregon but Tennessee wasn't all that. Look at their schedule(Tennessee) and scores. The padded all their stats against weak opponents. Their defense was good, their offense was suspect. I would be shocked if OSU walked all over us. Hopefully it doesn't come down to the 3rd QTR. I think if we get on top of them early and Sark doesn't turtle we got a decent shot. We have to have a lead at halftime, preferably double digits.
  21. I didn't see people shooting a bunch of gaps, I saw a lot of slants. I haven't seen any analysis online showing how that was the Strat. If you have people shooting gaps, there is usually a risk, reward because it can cause gaping holes. That sure as hell wasn't the case. they strung everything out, filled gaps, tackled well and won a ton of 1v1 assignments.
  22. I'm dumbfounded, we've run the ball pretty well against everyone not named Georgia and WTF ASU? I'm really struggling to comprehend it. I get Georgia. Don't like it but I get it. ASU still baffles me. Hopefully they got that out of their system.
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