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Certifiably Surly
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About smoothlonghorn

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  1. I lol'd (that is a heckuva store name pull). And username and whatnot.
  2. Reps to you Professor Chesney—worth our attention and summary thoughts put together better than I ever could.
  3. That is a grown-ass (young) man representing the best University in the state of Texas. That’s an exclamation point on that m’f***ing win!
  4. Hardly-ever poster: give that man alll the reps!!!!!
  5. Clearly you weren't thinking outside the box enough, Gil: "What makes this home unique is the zoning that allows for a spa, a group home, a retirement home, drug rehab....". Man, real estate listings in California are wild. I popped in this morning to see Wulaw's reaction to the jobs report--I would have paid good money to be there when he first heard the news and exclaimed something along the lines of, "M*********er! I tried telling those Surly slapdicks it was all bulls**t!"....
  6. Cooking stuff I suck at: everything sidis is apparently proficient at (much pos rep for taking the time for so many suggestions/help!) After several thousand, however, I can whip up a few batches of jell-o shots fairly efficiently....
  7. That was pretty f***ing cool to see--no matter what country it was for!
  8. Semi-P.S./should have said earlier, Lyles team has got to be trademarking, "America....I told you...I...GOT...THIS!" right about....now.
  9. Man, B, I am truly sad things have come to this. You are a such a great, passionate fan of the University of Texas--absolutely nothing should detract from that. But we can't control everyone's reactions to us/our interactions = if those reactions are causing negative consequences for YOU, you have got to figure out a different response and/or remove yourself from the situation. There are times in life where the answer won't be "we need to fix that person". This isn't the forum to get too deep into it, but that comes very personal experiences related to what you describe. Hopefully this doesn't come across as overly harsh/negative as I have thought (many times) about whether to jump into these threads based on our personal interactions. For that haven't experienced, Derka is one of the most genuine/passionate/positive individuals--that can definitely get lost based on internet posts. It seems likes immamac feels the need to do this for the site/a personally-owned business, and (IMHO) that should be ok--I think you should continue to talk Texas sports year round and would gladly pay for your $9.95 sub anywhere (side note/full disclosure: you can also find me not posting much on OBs and I post that knowing the ridicule sure to come). Also, I promise you, I still have songs due to you on my playlist: M.I's Understand, These Ideas, All at Once and your Ridin in Lines and MIXTAPE!.... "Jumpin' right in it ain't no need to state my name....."
  10. Had what (I gathered) was a stress-induced bout 15+ years ago = no fun. Hope it's not too bad a weekend, dcbc!
  11. Before people start pointing and laughing and since it is now out there publicly, loanDepot is currently experiencing a "cyber incident". Fun times/fml....
  12. Condolences and congratulations, Gil. Hope all works out with all the properties and (reading the other thread) it makes things easier to help out the family (if needed).
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