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Burnt Ends Dinner with Gunnar Helm March 28th ×


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  1. Hamm has 10k+ followers on X/Twitter. This post is over 2 days old with 0 likes and 0 comments. Not sure if this qualifies as a “greatest hit” but it shows his popularity, lol.
  2. Tuffguy Hamm is my favorite hamm.
  3. Just finished Black Sails. 38 total episodes about 45 minutes each. 8.5/10 really good show. Violence and gore. Wicked battle scenes and a lot of skin. There is a lot of story/character development in the early seasons. It ends up paying off in the later seasons, but a slow-ish start. You have to stick with it. Plot twists and turns that actually move the story and not just there just to be there. I’ve read there is some degree of historical accuracy, but can’t comment on that myself.
  4. Everyone knows Benadryl makes you sleepy. Just a random thought, but it’s interesting how the same drug is marketed for different purposes.
  5. Ohhhhh… so now she get it.
  6. Karen: Texas A&M medical correspondent.
  7. Poor Nebraska.
  8. Doubling down.
  9. He’s back. Lol
  10. In her feels [emoji23]
  11. Remember when Karen did not follow Jimbo to Texas A&M and she only moved to Texas for business reasons? Well, she no longer has team allegiance now that Jimbo’s gone.
  12. Glorious memories [emoji848]
  13. Karen mad at aggy.
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