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tx ind

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Everything posted by tx ind

  1. I saw a story on Dillingham awhile back; I think he grew up 15 mins from ASU and went to school there. All his immediate family live close too, I don’t think he’d make a move.
  2. One of the people killed was a former Princeton football player, his younger brother plays at TCU https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/43250890/ex-princeton-football-player-tiger-bech-killed-new-orleans-truck-attack
  3. ^^that m’fer was going the wrong way down the angled parking spot aisle. Special place in hell for those people
  4. tx ind


    Relaxing with a little tenderness on the back end from a couple polyps that got removed. Starving so had my wife hit up Chick-fil-A for bfast right afterwards and about to go demolish some Tex Mex shortly. propofal ftw
  5. Just in time for the holidays! I googled the Kansas City above and this is sick tweet
  6. And then they stole Lassiter as well
  7. So they should only sign/draft OL in the next 6 months, right?
  8. The way he got hit and went down looked scary as shit
  9. Username does not check out
  10. Can’t stand that dude but gotta give him credit for mostly keeping his fingers out of the Rockets and letting them build a decent and young team.
  11. Surly is slipping, any volunteers to comfort Assad’s wife once she’s a widow?
  12. Tongue in cheek, the aggy qb just looks sloppy on basics in that picture
  13. Russel Crowe looks like shit these days
  14. As the father of a highly successful 8 (almost 9) year old flag football qb that low elbow and arm angle are making me cringe.
  15. Kinda disagree, they’re showing they are willing to stick up for their guy. Players around the league will take notice of how the organization feels about their players.
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