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tx ind

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Everything posted by tx ind

  1. John King just walked me off the ledge a bit; tons of D votes still out in the close states
  2. My 8 year old came home from school with a map to be colored in red and blue as stuff comes in; had to make a copy for the 11 year old so they're set
  3. I look forward to the chapter on Chili’s
  4. Are we supposed to follow this thread or the other election thread?
  5. thanks for your service, I can't wait go go over there at about 9 or 10 tonight for some schadenfreude.
  6. Rainy in H-Town, hopefully it's just Ted Cruz tears coming in early.
  7. If he starts running behind then it will just compound throughout the day as he'll be late for every rally and people won't wait around for him. Rallys 3 and 4 today will have fake news and 5 magats
  8. No, that belongs to Ted Cruz for ~36 hours.
  9. I heard talk of a Presidente margarita? Is that the preferred drink of choice at Chili's or do we slip in a few Bud Lights in honor of Kid Rock?
  10. As much fun as that would be, that’s what they want so they can have justification to escalate even further.
  11. Shart thread will be blowing up on Wednesday evening.
  12. In the first clip when he mumbles in the middle it sounds like he says “I’m a very gay”
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