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Everything posted by mooseoutfront

  1. 8 feet of snow and counting. It's supposed to snow another foot through the weekend. This shit has to stop soon. Oh, and it was 35 below this morning. Toughest winter we've ever had.
  2. I actually thought of this gif when I hit Submit Reply Here's a little more background: To put it bluntly, my wife and I live amongst uneducated rubes. This place has many advantages that we enjoy, but insightful or thoughtful discourse on the topics of today are not one of them. Not to CR this thread, but the hillbillies out here have been particularly affected by the tribal politics of the last decade. Especially with all the Q/Trump bullshit. My wife and I are among the hand full of blue/purple dots in the sea of red that is Alaska, and it is known around here. I had a friend who was at the same local watering hole I referenced above when my asshole neighbor went off on one of his drunken when the Storm comes I'll be hunting down all the Democrats and liberals around here rants. My friend called me and told me my and my wife's names were specifically mentioned. That's when I bought the 9mm to keep in the truck. It's still a bit like the Old West here. You are responsible for your own safety. Law enforcement is few and far between. You can't count on it. My neighbor can fuck around and find out.
  3. So, can somebody teach me how to embed the video. I can't see it.
  4. I was looking through my phone looking for interesting things to post. Here is a vid of a small sow with triplet cubs that I came across nosing around a beaver lodge when I was out taking water samples. The cubs were almost as big as she was. She probably ran them off to start a new family within a month of the video. I hope the video works. vid1.mov
  5. He is a violent alcoholic who is abusive to his wife and children and never passes up an opportunity to let people know he is armed at all times. The last time he rode up drunk to the cabin looking for a fight I wasn't home, but my wife was. She told him to get the fuck off our property and to never come back. He told her I could find him at the local watering hole when I got home. She called me and I headed over there. When I got there I told him to take his gun off and to meet me outside. He declined. In front of about 20 witnesses I told him that if I ever caught him on my land again he would be trespassing and I would kill him as such. That was about 4 years ago. He hasn't come knocking. My wife has a standing order that if he ever shows up again and I'm not there to grab the AR, put 2 in chest, and call the troopers. If I'm there, I'll happily do the killing. The world would be a better place without this asshole in it. Luckily his road splits off from ours about half a mile off the highway, so we rarely meet him. He has no business being down our road, so I bought a 9mm to keep in the truck if we ever do cross paths. I just don't want to get killed for lack of shooting back.
  6. We leave the skins in the field. I want to get a pair of snow machine mittens made out of moose hide sometime, but it's almost cost prohibitive. We're talking $500-$600. Moose hide is heavy as fuck. I would hate to try to pack a whole one out of the field.
  7. Yep. 6" 3 sided logs. It takes a lot of energy to get the logs warm if they get cold, but once warm they keep the cold out. We're going to chink it one of these days, but the mosquitoes are so god damn bad when the temperature is right for the chinking compound that I just haven't done it yet.
  8. He does not enjoy the deep cold. 10 below is about his comfort limit. He hates wearing the coat and booties we've bought for him, so he hangs in the house as much as he can. This winter is been a long one. We've had snow on the ground since the second week of September. With as much snow as we've had it will last into late April or early May. Magnum is done with this shit for this year.
  9. All caught up with the questions. I'll post more as things transpire. Until then...Hook 'Em
  10. That seems like a million years ago. We wax poetic about the choriqueso at Jardin del Rey from time to time.
  11. I actually addressed this in the other thread. After living in a one room 400 square foot cabin for 12 years there is no such thing as privacy or shame. If she's not in the mood to help a brother out I'll rub one out right next to her in bed. She'll pass me a tissue when it's clean up time. I'm more of a silicone guy
  12. https://www.adfg.alaska.gov/static/regulations/wildliferegulations/pdfs/regulations_complete.pdf Page 22
  13. He stays inside with us. Sleeps in the bed with us. He's spoiled.
  14. The roadkill list active all along the highway system. It is a way a lot of older people who can't really go hunting anymore get moose meat. We've had a shit ton of snow this winter. The moose are stressed and exhausted from punching through the snow. They've been on the highways a lot and many have been killed. I feel bad for them but at least someone gets some use out of them. I can think of at least 4 road kills on my way to work that have been butchered up. People usually bring family and friends to help butcher on the side of the road. Many hands make light work as the saying goes. We have about 5 or 6 moose hanging out on our 3.5 mile road because we keep in plowed. In fact, here is the pic that inspired this thread. This is a small cow and what is probably her first calf that have been hanging out all winter. Other moose have come and gone, but these two I see just about every day.
  15. Since we can stream I've gone modern with the porn. Everything is a google search away...
  16. What's even worse is there are a couple of Sooners in the area. The first time I saw someone wearing a Sooner tshirt I looked at my wife and told her that I just couldn't catch a break. I represent Texas. I wear Longhorn hoodies and tshirts everywhere. During the tourist season there is always a group of dipshit Sooner fans or aggy that have to say something or give me the horns down. My typical response to the horns down is to throw an upside down bird their way. I'm sure they go back home and tell everyone how they fucked with a sip in Alaska. Whatever. I know a dozen places where their bodies would never be found.
  17. Had my first teledoc appointment about a month ago because of Covid. We usually go to Fairbanks for doctor visits. If you can combine a doc visit with a supply or fuel run you feel majorly accomplished.
  18. I wonder where that is? That is super upscale compared to how I live. The shop would be bad ass though.
  19. The cabin stays pretty toasty at 60 to 75 degrees or so. We have a Blaze King Princess model stove. It works great as long as the wood is properly cured. It doesn't burn green wood for shit. A fully loaded stove will burn for about 10 hours, so we rarely have to load it at night. Only when it gets to 50 below or colder. Looks like this:
  20. We cut all of our own firewood. We are slowly clearing the trouble trees from around the cabin and cutting a fire break. Forest fire is my biggest fear, but we don't want to clear cut so we only take 5 or 6 of those trees every Spring and then assess the view/situation. Beyond that we make a right turn out of our driveway and cut wood with impunity. We literally live at the end of the road. Exactly 1 mile from my front door is a ridge that when you drop on the other side of you are on your own. No cell service, no roads, nothing but trails and wilderness. You are likely to see anything out there...bears, wolves, moose, caribou. It's an amazing place that we hike, wheel, and snow machine often. We have a 35 ton log splitter but I try to split everything I can by hand with an 8 pound maul. It's my gym membership. My wife mainly uses the splitter. She is horrible at splitting wood by hand. It takes the two of us all spring and summer to bring in 10 cords. We split it once, stack and cover it. It then sits for 2 years to cure. We try to have it all brought in and stacked before September 1 (the first day of the general rifle season for moose). At that time we have 3 stacks of 10 cords each. The one that is used for the upcoming winter, cured 2 years. A stack that has cured 1 year and will be used next winter. And the green stack that will cure and be used in 2 winters.
  21. We splurge every once in a while. Fairbanks is not known for its food. There are a few good Thai places there. The Thai House or Lemon Grass are probably the best. Pho House is a pretty fucking good Vietnamese place. The Turtle Club has a decent prime rib and it's a place to get king crab legs (my wife's favorite thing on the planet). Bobby's Downtown is good Greek food and pizza. There's a Mexican joint that everyone around here loves, Gallo's, but it's extremely average for us Texans. If we want Mexican I can make better at home. And Irashai is a surprisingly good sushi place.
  22. We get our drinking water from a trusted source, so no need to boil it. We melt snow for humidity and dish washing water. We've never run out of drinking water and had to melt snow for that. If we did we'd boil it and filter it before we drank it.
  23. Trial and error. Most of it is common sense. My hunting buddy, who has lived up here for close to 30 years has taken us under his wing gives us advice from time to time. He is a wealth of information.
  24. I guess we'll find out...eventually.
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