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Everything posted by mooseoutfront

  1. The grips are awesome. It basically locks the gun into my hand. Very happy with the purchase. It's an amazing shooter.
  2. Let's hope it never comes to that.
  3. Another 10 inches of snow last night. Temps are going to drop below zero again next week. It's the never ending winter.
  4. I went with the Springfield.
  5. That looks fun. That's a big fucking tree.
  6. We don't stress much, we can always buy ourselves out of trouble. Cured firewood goes for about $250/cord. We've never run short on firewood. Cutting wood is one of my favorite things. It's the most productive, satisfying work I've ever done. As I get older it's going to get tougher to bring in 10 cords a year. We'll budget for it as I approach 60. The only real stress is getting the vegetables harvested and canned and the moose processed before spoilage sets in. My wife and I handle the garden stuff ourselves. The potatoes aren't harvested until after the first couple of freezes anyway. The freeze drives the nutrients from the plant into the tuber. You just want to get them before the ground freezes. We always throw a moose processing party. Usually about 6 to 10 people show up. Everyone goes home with fresh moose meat, full bellies, and a cool buzz.
  7. Count me in as vaporized. I live about 20 miles from this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clear_Space_Force_Station And I am more than ok with that.
  8. The military is for sure prepping here. I’ve never seen as many convoys on the highway as I’ve seen in the last few weeks. They are moving all kinds of equipment via road and rail. Lots of aircraft in the air. Everything from fighter jets to cargo planes to blackhawks and apaches. Shit is being mobilized.
  9. Temps are above zero now. Magnum is happy again.
  10. Our budget is $3K per month, but unless something breaks we usually spend around $2K or less. If the shit hit the fan we could live quite comfortably on $1K a month.
  11. I'm happy to finally contribute something positive to the board...been a lurker for years. I've just got to start remembering to carry my phone with me so I can take y'all some pics.
  12. Problem we have is that we try to get all summer chores done by September 1. That's the first day of moose season. Fire wood and gardening consume our lives in the lead up to that. By the time we get through hunting and processing the moose not only are we pretty much spent physically, the temps are usually below the curing range for the chinking compound. It's on the list though...one of these days.
  13. A friend of mine purchased one of those. Sweet little do everything gun for around here. I doubt I'll get one. I have all the long guns I need/want. Pistols on the other hand...
  14. You don't leave anyone stranded on the road at 40 below. Bad karma, no matter how bad you dislike them.
  15. Yeah, that moose is pissed. Ears down and hairs up is a very, very bad sign.
  16. This is true. Even though they are the largest member of the deer family, their eyes don't reflect like whitetail. Plus, they'll just straight up walk out in front of your vehicle like they don't even see it. Most people have auxiliary lights on their vehicles for night time driving. They are referred to as moose lights.
  17. Trees are your only hope unless you have a gun.
  18. Moose are by far the most dangerous animals in the woods here. A bull moose in full rut will chase you down and kill you. A cow moose protecting her calf will do the same. You don't really get a sense of how big they are until you see them up close. A fully mature bull moose in his prime is 10 to 11 feet tall if you measure from the top of the antlers to the ground. And yes, they are not hard to hunt. You just have to be able to make a good shot. They are tough sons of bitches.
  19. Lots of cool stuff out there. We've been making it work for 12 years. We've got our system down. In 10 years we'll be Mexicans. We're just gonna keep on keeping on with what we know. UAF has a cold climate housing research center you might be interested in. https://uaf.edu/campusmap/for-visitors/buildings/cchrc.php follow the links
  20. I'm still around. No shoot out. Been dealing with snow removal operations. Had to rent a front end loader to make some room for the spring snows to come. We are well over a 100 inches of snow now. It's fucking nuts. Most I've ever seen here. I feel sorry for the moose. They are exhausted. I came up on a cow moose just lying in the highway the other day panting. She didn't move until my truck was 10 feet from her. The wolves are having a hey day on the moose calves. Not too many are gonna make it through this winter.
  21. It snowed about a foot over the last 2 days. Stopped snowing, sky cleared, temps plummeted from 20 above to 35 below. Supposed to cloud back over and start snowing again tonight through Sunday for at least another foot of accumulation. It doesn't snow much if the temp gets below zero, but it's been a weird winter. So far I've seen it snow at least twice below 20 below zero. That shit ain't supposed to happen.
  22. 8 feet of snow and counting. It's supposed to snow another foot through the weekend. This shit has to stop soon. Oh, and it was 35 below this morning. Toughest winter we've ever had.
  23. I actually thought of this gif when I hit Submit Reply Here's a little more background: To put it bluntly, my wife and I live amongst uneducated rubes. This place has many advantages that we enjoy, but insightful or thoughtful discourse on the topics of today are not one of them. Not to CR this thread, but the hillbillies out here have been particularly affected by the tribal politics of the last decade. Especially with all the Q/Trump bullshit. My wife and I are among the hand full of blue/purple dots in the sea of red that is Alaska, and it is known around here. I had a friend who was at the same local watering hole I referenced above when my asshole neighbor went off on one of his drunken when the Storm comes I'll be hunting down all the Democrats and liberals around here rants. My friend called me and told me my and my wife's names were specifically mentioned. That's when I bought the 9mm to keep in the truck. It's still a bit like the Old West here. You are responsible for your own safety. Law enforcement is few and far between. You can't count on it. My neighbor can fuck around and find out.
  24. So, can somebody teach me how to embed the video. I can't see it.
  25. I was looking through my phone looking for interesting things to post. Here is a vid of a small sow with triplet cubs that I came across nosing around a beaver lodge when I was out taking water samples. The cubs were almost as big as she was. She probably ran them off to start a new family within a month of the video. I hope the video works. vid1.mov
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