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Everything posted by mooseoutfront

  1. We’re getting a little over 10 hours currently. We will continue to lose light until the winter solstice, usually around December 20. That is the shortest day of the year when we have about 3 hours of daylight total.
  2. So we are basically Eskimo bros
  3. Snow finally hit ground level last night. It’ll be white until late April or so. The pic is me pulling out of my driveway this morning.
  4. My Freshman year. First Texas/OU game as a student.
  5. He likes that money, he don't mind the smell
  6. The story I heard is that the male bear drowned the female bear Bears are fucking metal
  7. It goes way beyond the graphics and replays. Those don't bother me. It's the same stupid commercials over and over again. The idiot announcers and sideline reporters. The human interest stories that don't mean a fuck to me. Interviewing coaches during the fucking game. I don't care about all the superfluous bullshit they try to cram into a broadcast these days because most people have the attention span of a gnat. So I smoke a bowl and listen to Craig.
  8. I stream the Craig Way radio feed for games. I watch the condensed game on you tube at work. I prefer just listening. I hate watching games live. The commercials, the announcers, and modern production styles drive me up the wall.
  9. Retire nothing mid season Yes, I’m superstitious when it comes to Longhorn football
  10. Put that piece of shit in gen pop and let nature take it's course.
  11. I like the cut of your jib, but that's a unicorn in Alaska. A Texas 7 is an Alaskan 10.
  12. If you cut on state land you are supposed to have a permit. I've never done that, so I don't know how that works. We cut wood around the "neighborhood." We are technically cutting on private property, but no one is around or cares. Most of the property around here will never be developed. People bought 5 or 10 acres plots to have land in Alaska. Most have never been up here to even see it. We take problem trees, windfall trees, or standing dead. If that's not enough for the season, we know a guy out here who owns several hundred acres. He's given us permission to cut wood off of his property as long as it's for our private use. He doesn't want us to cut wood to sell to other folks. That's money in the bank for us Northern dwellers.
  13. We try to put up 10 cords a year. We usually only burn 7 to 8 cords. Can never have enough fire wood. London is a must read for me in the winter.
  14. Everything calms down in the winter. The animals are in calorie conservation mode. You still have to be wary of them, but a moose is not going to waste energy coming at you through the snow unless it feels it absolutely has to. Here’s a video I took a few years ago that kinda shows what I’m talking about. I was splitting wood and heard it meandering through the snow towards me. This was a young cow that was checking me out. Very calm, she hung around for 10 or 15 minutes then moved on. IMG_5127.mov
  15. One positive about using an outhouse is that there is no water for old man sack to dip into…winning indeed
  16. I do not. I love the winter. The tourists leave, the seasonal workers go away, the bugs are gone, my job slows way down. The deep cold fascinates me. It's so foreign and other worldly. The snow covered woods are beautiful. The Northern Lights are a common sight. I really enjoy getting out and exploring on a snow machine. It's a lot easier to get around when everything is frozen. Alaska is basically a swamp. The bears are asleep, so there is no worrying about critter safety and protocols. There are negatives, but the positives outweigh them in my eyes. It's a very peaceful, very simple life. My wife says the cold and dark tickles my inner Darth Vader. She's probably right about that. I really need to post a pic of the fabled shit stick. I'll take care of that soon.
  17. It was weird for me too when we first moved up here. The old saying, "Keep the home fires burning" took on a completely different meaning to me...it became literal.
  18. Nope. Just let it burn down to coals. Clean the ash out around the coals. I always leave enough coals to get the next fire started. I clean the fire box, the catalytic converter, and the stack in the summer time. We only burn properly seasoned wood, so we don't have much of a creosote problem. It really only needs cleaning once a year.
  19. Had to light the wood stove for the season. There will be a fire burning until late April or early May. Time to slide into winter.
  20. Winter is here
  21. Finally got this in the mail yesterday
  22. I work among a plethora of Teamsters. They are not the brightest bunch of folks.
  23. I’m the longhair in the Texas boony hat
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