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Everything posted by mooseoutfront

  1. Got into the Jeep game this past summer. 1976 CJ5 with a 258 inline six. Looking for gear head tips for modernizing the 258 engine and suspension. Not looking to build a rock crawler or to go fast. Just want a reliable ride that can get down the highway and navigate the trails up here in Denali. I’m not a mechanic, I’m just learning as I go. Any advice is appreciated.
  2. And I've never had a vegetarian accost me in the street shouting "Sky Daddy will smite your heathen ass." So I guess we're even.
  3. To be fair, that temp was from New Years weekend. It has warmed up to a tropical 35 below zero. Christmas weekend we received 28 inches of snow. I'd honestly rather have the deep cold. Deep cold means no snow. We had 47 inches of snow in December. I have 3.5 miles of road to plow to get to the highway from our cabin. There is absolutely no where to put any more snow. Going to have to rent a front end loader when it warms to make some room for the Spring snows. This Winter has been a challenge.
  4. Proselytizing Christians are worse in my opinion. Both irritate the shit out of me.
  5. Yeah, evil Texas at it again. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, so I will always cut OSU posters slack. But I went to the game in Ames this year. Never been treated more poorly as a visitor by a fan base in my life. They can all die in combine and/or silo accidents as far as I'm concerned going forward. Fuck them and their cow college.
  6. His dick tasted like shit?
  7. If squirrels didn't have fuzzy tails we'd call them rats. Think about it this way, that squirrel's sacrifice will feed some birds. Then they can shit him out on your windshield. Circle of life and shit.
  8. The Aurora forecast is moderate tonight. Maybe you'll see them in Anchorage. I live about 5 hours North in the Denali Borough. The Lights have been incredible so far this year. The best time to see them is when it is dark and cold. We'll hit 30 below tonight easy. it's already 25 below and the sky is clear. If you get a wild hair and want to drive up, let me know. Hotels are available in Healy. It's the Winter, so no worries about getting a room. There is no one here. The only restaurant open in Healy is the Totem. Very mediocre. About 30 miles North is the Clear Sky Lodge, also very mediocre. My wife and I live old school...log cabin, no electricity, no indoor plumbing. If shit like that interests you, we can show you how to survive the inevitable zombie apocalypse. Enjoy your stay.
  9. I've always wanted to see Krampusnacht and the Krampulaufs. It's December 5th. Don't know if you'll be in country.
  10. If they don't portal, then don't renew their scholarships for next year. The staff knows who needs to go. Fuck em.
  11. Tool - Undertow The Cult - Electric AC/DC - Highway to Hell Led Zeppelin II The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Are You Experienced? Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath Primus - Frizzle Fry Metallica - Ride The Lightning Alice In Chains - Facelift Soundgarden - Louder Than Love
  12. I consider myself a feminist. I try to treat women exactly the same way I treat men. If a man slapped me in my face, I'd knock the shit out of him. Welcome to being treated equally.
  13. Seeing quite a few nice caribou racks in the back of trucks on the highway the past couple of weeks. The weather has finally taken a cool turn and Fall is in the air. Couple of buddies have had good luck sheep hunting. Those full curl Dalls are a tough catch. Moose season starts Sept 1.
  14. Buy the .38 and load it with good quality personal defense +P rounds. My wife's bedside pistol is a S&W model 60 stainless. It was my father's backup pistol when he was a street cop. She is recoil sensitive and she can turn you from a rooster to a hen in one shot with the thing.
  15. My typical response is to throw an upside down bird back their way. Their reaction to that usually gives me a chuckle
  16. At least two. I'm a man of the Dudeist cloth as well.
  17. I know I'm splitting hairs here, but Undertow was their first album. Opiate was an EP. Both rule.
  18. What's up with the people jumping on him at the end? He was done. He wasn't going in for the beat down. He was backing away. None of their fucking business. I hope he beat the shit out of them too.
  19. If you truly hate the cold, Interior Alaska is not for you. Normal Winter temps are anywhere from 20 to 40 below zero, with a few 50 and 60 below days mixed in. The coldest I've seen was 72 below. The Northern Lights make the cold worth it. If you've never seen them, layer up and get outside. They are otherworldly. The wolves are my favorite critters in the woods. For some reason they speak to my soul. Grizzly bears are a close second. It's always a thrill to see a bear.
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