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Everything posted by mooseoutfront

  1. I’ve used that line several times and no one up here has ever gotten the reference
  2. Underwood coated 220 grain hard cast flat nose Started out with buffalo bore 220, but always had failure to feed at about round 14 or 15 Found the Underwood coated 220 grain and haven’t had a failure to feed since The coating also eliminates lead fouling so Glock shooters can use the hard cast bullets with their original polygonal rifled barrels
  3. Black bears are much smaller than brownies and grizzles in every way. Smaller boned, not as muscled, thinner hide. They also don’t have that “Fuck you!” attitude that grizzlies and browns have. Lots of folks eat black bears. I’ve had it once and didn’t care for it. Browns and grizzlies are just trophy kills.
  4. That’s her high school senior portrait.
  5. Lots of bear hunters here. For black bears, anything you’d hunt a Texas whitetail deer with is plenty of gun. For grizzlies and brown bears, .30 caliber magnums are the standard. The .338 win mag is a very popular choice for bear and moose. The .375 H&H mag is also used frequently.
  6. I carry both when out in bear country. I would use the spray first. The gun is a last resort. In the situation above, the gun was the only choice. One of my main goals living up here is to not shoot a bear. Beautiful creatures that are just doing their thing.
  7. Hiking through high grass like that always gives me pause. Switched from carrying a .44 mag to a 10mm for bear protection about a year ago. 10mm is equivalent ballistically to a .41 mag. 17 rounds of 10mm vs. 6 rounds of .44 mag is why people are switching to the 10mm. I'm sure those extra rounds proved pivotal in that close quarter situation.
  8. I see that CTE finally set in on Huston Street from getting trucked by Cedric Benson so many times in that championship game in high school.
  9. I completely understand Mom texted me from Abilene about an hour ago and said her truck thermometer was reading 116 in her driveway Fuck all that
  10. Well folks, Fall has arrived in the North country. Leaves are changing color quickly. Fireweed is in the cotton stage. The snow is about half way down the hills. Was 36 degrees at the cabin this morning.
  11. Nearest Mexican food restaurants are in Fairbanks, but they suck. I make better Mexican food at home. My wife grows tomatoes in a greenhouse, so I’m assuming tomatillos are possible. Nature’s kerosene are what they are known as around here
  12. Here’s an old pic I found of the aspens in Fall.
  13. Aspens everywhere in my part of Alaska. Also have white spruce, black spruce, and birch. The aspens and birch are lovely in the Fall with their golden leaves.
  14. We had a helluva wind storm the night before. That was tree number two of the six that I had to chainsaw through in order to clear the road on my way out. My legacy on this board will be the shit stick story 😂
  15. A covey of spruce grouse just chillin in my driveway this morning on my way to work
  16. Those type of artifacts are hard to come by these days. That's some valuable ivory. Nice scrimshaw work on several. Do you have an oosik in the collection? Walrus is to this day the weirdest meat I've ever tasted. The texture and consistency of roast beef, but tasted like fish. My brain had a hard time processing that one.
  17. Phone camera while sitting in the truck. So many bears this year. Love seeing the critters out doing their thing. Those bears have what's called Toklat coloring, almost blonde on top with the dark legs. Beautiful creatures.
  18. To be clear, the snow this morning was on the very tip tops of the hills. Nothing at ground level. Snow can fall and stick any time in September, but it usually waits until the first part of October. We had snow on the ground into late May this year, so 4 or maybe 5 months without snow.
  19. Thank Christ. The tourists will be leaving soon with all of their brand new plastic clothes 😂 Lots of old school cabins built back in the day look just like that, and are still standing.
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