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Everything posted by mooseoutfront

  1. Termination Dust at elevation on the hills this morning. First snow of the year on Aug 10. 43 degrees at the cabin. Looking more and more like an early Fall/Winter. The trees are just starting to turn too. Hoping the cooler weather gets down to most of y'all soon.
  2. Caribou season starting soon
  3. Logs are heavy. The shitter was built on two pressure treated 4x4's that I cut into skids. When the shitter hole eventually gets full, we'll dig another hole and drag the outhouse over the new hole with the wheeler.
  4. Pretty much. Log walls are the shit A pain in the ass to build with, but they keep you cool in the summer and warm in the winter
  5. High 60’s to low 70’s
  6. Two great dogs that are no longer with us. Jolie on the left, Buck on the right. Reminiscing on a Sunday…
  7. Having not owned a refrigerator for 14 years, the only thing we keep in the cooler is mayo. The rest of it is shelf stable imo. We cook 99% of our meals though, so we probably go through stuff faster than most people.
  8. My mom used a pressure cooker for a lot of things. Black eyed peas, beans, chicken for chicken and dumplings, chili, stews, etc. She also had her big canning pressure cookers that she used to can the veggies that come out of the garden. I've never used a pressure cooker in my life.
  9. I have a friend who uses the summer to experiment making different types of sausages out of moose. I’ve been snacking on a spicy moose soppressata he made. I think he nailed this one.
  10. I was. My quarterly visit to check in on Mom. Got back to Alaska on Friday the 12th.
  11. It’s been chilly here the last few mornings…low 40’s One of the first signs of Fall are the high bush cranberries starting to ripen and it’s leaves turning red Might be an early Winter
  12. I know and I am. He's really proud of himself when he brings something home. The problem is more often then not they are still somewhat kicking when he gets home and I end up having to break their necks then dispose of the carcasses. He wont eat the squirrels and the rabbits are full of worms in the summer time. Country dog doing country dog things.
  13. Oh, we have a major vole problem. They are everywhere. They stay out of the cabin in the summer, but in the winter I set an extensive trap line. He’s been a vole hunter for years, the rabbit and squirrel killings are new. After I get up in the morning and feed him I let him out and he goes on his daily patrol. He’s usually gone for 45 min to an hour. Lately he’s been bringing back his trophies. I wish he’d just bury them out in the woods.
  14. Magnum has developed into a straight up killer in his middle age. Eight-ish years old and he’s bringing home voles and squirrels and rabbits.
  15. We refer to that as "The Wolowitz" in our household. In the parlance of our times, it slams and goes hard.
  16. Jay’s BBQ Shack, Abilene. Solid as always. Good brisket and ribs. House made jalapeño and cheese sausage is as good as I’ve ever had. Not pictured, jalapeño corn and hatch green chili mac and cheese. Both very good. Best Q in Abilene imo
  17. Wildfire about a mile from the entrance to Denali NP, right across the Nenana River from the tourist area. Apparently the tourists are freaking out on facebook. Sent to me yesterday, smoke jumpers landing and the fire which is right around Horseshoe Lake
  18. Jeff Bingham Adam (Northern Exposure) Lt Col Henry Blake
  19. Inside of the front door to our cabin. That sign has been keeping the summer sun at bay going on 14 years. He will be missed.
  20. Knights in White Satin by the Moody Blues makes me want to kick a puppy. I fucking loathe that god damn song. I also can't stand The Beatles. Their entire catalog is shit for me, but especially the bubble gum pop they started out with. I Want to Hold Your Hand gives me an instant headache.
  21. It’s Africa hot. Tarzan couldn’t take this kind of hot.
  22. It's 83 fucking degrees here and I'm fucking dying. Had to take a ride in the truck so I could get some AC. I'm going to have to run the generator all night for a fucking oscillating fan. Shit's not right.
  23. I almost cross posted the pic in the other thread 😂
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