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Everything posted by mooseoutfront

  1. Seen more bears this year already than I saw the last two years combined.
  2. Holy water on the brain and I'm losin' sleep Holy Bible on the night stand next to me As I'm raped by another monkey circus freak Tryin' to take my indigence away from me, from me yeah Holy water is rustin' me, yeah Holy water is rustin' me, is rustin' me, rustin' me Bloody murder is the best I've heard her scream Holy devil in the flesh some might believe And they take thine majesty so seriously 'Cause it's the big lies more likely to be believed, believed Yeah, holy water is rustin' me Yeah, holy water is rustin' me, is rustin' me Rustin' me, yeah Damn the water if its life, you want to drink Mind your mother if it makes you feel at ease As you're raped by another monkey circus freak 'Cause its the big lies are more likely to be believed, believed Yeah, holy water is rustin' me Yeah, holy water is rustin' me Yeah, holy water is rustin' me, is rustin' me Rustin' me Rustin' me Rustin' me, yeah Rustin' me
  3. My maternal grandfather gave me two pieces of advice when I was young. Never trust a Baptist minister, and it’s not wrong to kill someone who needs to be killed. Kinda thought the two were related, but he died before I could confirm.
  4. This is sort of incorrect. While black bears are more timid and easier to scare away, if they do engage you they will maul you to death. You can play dead with a brown bear and there is a good chance they stop attacking you. If being mauled by a black bear you fight for your life because they aren't stopping until they rip you open. Black bears are actually more dangerous than grizzlies.
  5. No puppy pics of Magnum, he was a rescue. Here are a couple when he first got to the woods and one from last winter.
  6. June 1. The official beginning of tourist season. The shoulder season crowd, seasonal workers and early birders looking for cheaper travel deals, have been here for a month. The RV’s are starting to roll in so here’s a game we play to soothe the local rage when getting behind one of them meandering at 30 mph down the highway or stopping in the middle of the road to gawk at a scraggly molting cow moose munching on leaves on the side of the highway… Put Anal in front of whatever their trailer, fifth wheel, or drivable behemoth is named. My favorite so far this year…Anal Rustler.
  7. It's like a cow with a cracker on either side.
  8. I'm almost positive I've told both of these stories in the thread so I'll summarize... Never really had problems with any bears, black or grizzly. I had one pretty close call with a grizzly when I was taking water samples out in the field for work. Dude was standing on his back legs clicking his jaws at me from about 20 to 30 feet away. Thought he was going to charge me but he didn't. Butthole puckering distance for sure. The other was when I was snow shoeing home one evening. The wind drifted us in and I had to park about a mile or so from the cabin. Forgot my headlamp at home that morning and forgot the pistol in the truck when I started home. Couple of wolves followed me for a little while. They were close. I could hear them breathing and stepping through the snow. Couldn't see them at all, it was a dark night. They peeled off after a bit. They could have had me if they wanted. Predators really don't want anything to do with humans. If you leave them alone, they'll leave you alone. I've said this many times in this thread, moose are by far the most dangerous animals in the woods.
  9. Weather has been beautiful here. Quite possibly the easiest Spring breakup we’ve gone through. Took a hike in Denali NP. Saw a first for me, a collared grizzly sow, a few caribou who were camera shy, and one of my favorite spots; the Savage River.
  10. We get a lot of over landers up my way. The Denali Highway (Paxson to Cantwell) is a popular destination with all of the side trails available to explore. Tourists are starting to show up now. Tourist season will be in full swing by June with the very mild weather we've been experiencing.
  11. I listen to a battery operated radio every morning for weather/news while drinking coffee and getting ready to leave for work. Found it in the cabin when we moved in over a decade ago. Thing has to be from the early 80’s, maybe late 70’s. Still works like a charm.
  12. Makes sense. We live on wild meat and fish. We splurge on good beef about once a month. Tommy G’s in Fairbanks if anyone is curious. Great meat shop.
  13. No sir. All my venison has come from Texas. I actually like the gamey flavor, I grew up on it. But I understand why some folks are put off by it.
  14. Very similar. Not gamey like venison. Very lean. I would give a slight edge to elk. Basically 1a and 1b on best wild meat I’ve tried.
  15. Chicken fried moose sandwich with cream gravy for dipping. Forgive the dishes. We don’t use disposables.
  16. Have any of y'all considered becoming hunters to supplement your red meat needs? Hunting and fishing provides us with 95% of our protein. The only meat we buy regularly is bacon. The occasional ribeye about once a month. We live on moose, caribou, grouse, salmon, halibut, ling cod, and rock fish. I realize that where I live provides us with way more hunting and fishing opportunities than most of you have, but providing for yourself and family is one of the more spiritual aspects of my lifestyle that most people overlook. The bonding that my wife and I experience during the whole process is immeasurable.
  17. No experience with the rifles mentioned, I shoot a 30 plus year old Remington Model 700 BDL with a Leupold Vari-X II 3x9 scope .270 Win for moose. I've killed 10 moose in my time up here, all with a .270 Win. All neck shots, all within 300 yards, and all one shot kills...DRT. It's my favorite rifle cartridge and can kill any antlered species on the North American continent if you can place your shot. The .270 makes that possible because it's so easy to shoot.
  18. I just can't imaging lamenting that my tax dollars are going to educating someone, or feeding someone, or providing them shelter, or taking care of their medical needs. But I'm not a piece of shit, so I got that going for me...
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