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Everything posted by mooseoutfront

  1. Why does one even carry a gun when you can’t hit your target from 6 feet? Fucking dipshit. Dead dipshit now though.
  2. Denali Borough I’m the only year round Longhorn in the Borough 🤘 Just wear something burnt orange. Anyone in Sooner attire will be shot on sight if the maga ‘pocalypse starts
  3. If these idiotic turds actually start something…I have visions of lining the 3 1/2 mile road to my cabin with maga heads on pikes. Hopefully on both sides. Sounds like you two would be lots of help. Come on up if the shit hits the fan.
  4. Magnum on the trail of something
  5. So do tv characters count or just “personalities?” Because I don’t give two shits about tv personalities. Can’t name a single one I’d call a favorite But Adam from Northern Exposure and Jeff Bingham are my favorite characters
  6. And there will zero accountability for whatever hero pulled the trigger You’re either cop or you’re not
  7. mooseoutfront


  8. A man drinks whatever the fuck he wants.
  9. When you fry them in lard to soften them, as one should when making proper cheese enchiladas, I bet they are just fine. The tortillas are just the fat, cheese, chili gravy delivery device.
  10. Always That’s basically the anti personnel part of the firearms stash. I always clean and shoot them first in the spring because they are the fun ones. The bear guns are next, and shooting the bear guns always hurt a little bit 😂
  11. Spring has sprung in the great white north. High temps in the 40’s. Spring cleaning time…
  12. You do not want to get caught with an illegally taken animal here. The penalties are extremely severe. That being said, defending yourself from a dangerous animal happens. You notify the authorities and they come out and investigate. They also confiscate the animal, so there’s no bullshit stories about “It was coming right for us!!” and then you get to take it to the taxidermist to show everyone how much of a bad ass you are. Taxidermists are also required to report you to the authorities if you bring in an animal without all the required paperwork. Leave predators alone, unless it’s gonna be a fair fight…use a spear instead of a gun. That would actually impress me.
  13. https://www.nenanaakiceclassic.com/brochures According to the link above the latest date the ice has gone out is May 20
  14. Snowmachine weather The Alaska Range in the distance
  15. Rural Alaskans are very aggy like in some ways They hold traditions abnormally close I’m sure the first tripod was actually a tripod That’s just what they call it
  16. Skeeter season! Assuming you were heading to Fairbanks? You drove right by the turn off to my place
  17. Nice bull. Moose hunting is always wet work Cool 4 brow tine paddle…wide 46 to 48 inches? Cutting it up alone in 8 hours is actually pretty quick work That dog has a wonderful life
  18. Nenana had Tripod Days last weekend. Tripod is set. Get your Ice Classic tickets before the ice breaks
  19. Haven’t heard any scuttlebutt, at all Which is kinda weird Alaskans don’t let the truth get in the way of a good story, no rumors is no bueno But you know the deal concerning these types of allegations
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