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Everything posted by mooseoutfront

  1. 52 1/2” Moose are scarce this year Last week of the season and most folks I know haven’t filled their tags yet, me included
  2. My response is always an upside down middle finger
  3. Dude loves chasing rabbits and others critters through the woods
  4. Yep Been paying on her ridiculous loans for over 20 years. $105,000 paid back of $129,000 borrowed. Last $24,000 forgiven. We are the definition of freeloaders.
  5. Good sir, I will have you know that our current shit stick is top of the line. People tell me all the time there is not a better shit stick anywhere…It’s perfect.
  6. Just want to give a shout out to Dark Brandon The remainder of my wife's student loans were forgiven today She/we have been paying on them for 20 plus years We are now 100% debt free
  7. mooseoutfront


    I know side by sides are all the rage right now, but this bad boy will go just about anywhere. Shaft drive to all three axles will get you places a side by side can’t. 900 pound payload in the dump bed. I’ve fit a whole quartered moose in it and pulled a trailer home. Pretty easy on gas too.
  8. To give you poor bastards a glimmer of hope... The slow cool down has started up here. Highs in the low 60's. The alder leaves are turning yellow and the fireweed has bloomed to the top. Cooler weather is coming eventually. I'll go fuck off now.
  9. Everything that you read, or see, or hear on tv is a product begging for your fat ass dirty dollar. Now shut up and buy my new record.
  10. Bring it assholes Valhalla calls to me
  11. Well shit, if it's just a money/donation thing I'm in for that. Been meaning to help out in that way anyway...football season is approaching.
  12. I'd like to update more, but this site has basically become unusable for me on a mobile device. The ads plus all the embedded stuff crash my phone every 20 to 30 seconds. I rarely have more than 2 bars worth of reception, usually only one. I don't know if that has anything to do with it or not. The only way I can browse or post anything is from a desktop computer, so that means at work.
  13. If they are breathing that's a pretty good sign I won't like them. I am pleasantly surprised on rare occasions.
  14. Yeah, we're good. Juneau is a long way from me. Flooding isn't the problem for us, it's fires. Not as bad as last year yet, but we have several large fires burning near our place...The Anderson Complex Fires if anyone wants to Google. My wife is busy loading the tanker planes that are fighting the fires from above in Fairbanks. She is happy being productive helping to fight the neighborhood fires. It's also nice to have the inside scoop on the situation.
  15. Update on the 10mm I bought a few weeks ago: I've been having failure to feeds with the 220 grain Buffalo Bore hard cast ammo. Usually happens about round 14 or 15. This seems to be a common problem for the hard cast 220 grain loads across all manufacturers. Heard about Underwood Ammo that has a polymer coating on the 220 grain hard cast bullet that solves the problem. No failure to feeds since I started shooting it. The coating also eliminates the problem of lead fouling in the barrel, so Glock shooters should love it. Highly recommend this ammo. The 10mm auto has quickly become my favorite pistol round.
  16. What I really want to know is how many people in Chicago were shot by 12 year olds last weekend?
  17. That’s too bad Wally. Wish things would’ve worked out so he could have spent some time exploring the state. Best of luck to him.
  18. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires and movie gods and rock stars, but we won't. We're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off.” -Tyler Durden This quote has encapsulated what's wrong in America to me for a long time.
  19. Palabra I hope he has stories to tell for a lifetime
  20. Beautiful weekend driving thru the Alaska Range. Those twin peaks peaking over the ridge in the distance is Denali.
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