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Everything posted by Moliniao

  1. Agree on that point. I don't think Sam has a strong arm. he'll be a senior. I don't think he can improve his arm strength anymore. But, if the new OC can fully utilize his current strengths, our offense should be fine next year. A top20 offense and a top50 defense should be able to help for a 10win season and top10 finish.
  2. I think the current DC at Clemson did pretty badly at OU...
  3. Hate to see Reed playing...
  4. Should we take this as a serious source? Lol
  5. Not me. The reason I started to spend more time here is that I feel I can get updates more quickly than TFB, since I am not their donor member. LOL
  6. I have been on TFB since they started the site. I am pretty sure for the Friday open post on the unpaid side, they just post some updates for each week from the paid side now. Generally, those information are several days' delay.
  7. I believe this update is from several days ago. He just posted on the unpaid open post today. The newest update might be on the other side of the wall...LOL
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