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Jersey Man10

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Jersey Man10

  1. This pic always cracks me up
  2. Jesus I feel like I’m having a stroke. Jesus I feel like I’m having a stroke.
  3. The football gods were with us today.
  4. It won’t make a shit. Turnover coming right up
  5. Worthy you fucker
  6. Got those jitters out of the way
  7. Dude come the fuck on
  8. During football season? Dafuq is the matter with you?
  9. Didn’t even hug the shoulder what an asshat.
  10. Is there a reason I can’t see anyone’s avatar on Tapatalk?
  11. What about the 15 mpg?
  12. I got 5 cuz I’m a bitch.
  13. It is written.
  14. Excited my ass we look like shit
  15. I wanna go but don’t want to die of heat stroke.
  16. Probably #4 and #8.
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