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Jersey Man10

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Jersey Man10

  1. Damn I got a shit ton of hail near Burnet/Lampasas area.
  2. I hate the dog face filter bitches use.
  3. I wish I could go to the cartel hideouts and take them out Iron Man 2008 style. I miss Mexico.
  4. Why are the majority longhorn fans? We haven't done shit since 09.
  5. Speaking of kids. This couple brought their newborn and he started crying multiple times. Kid finally went berserk when C3P0 was translating the Sith message and people got pissed and told them to gtfo. They left and didn't come back so that sucked for them.
  6. Jesus christ y'all are such buzzkills. This was the best possible outcome after TLJ. Glad JJ was able to somewhat fix that mess. Loved when Luke grabbed the sabre and told Rian to eat shit. But my all time favorite scene was luke and Leia training. The nostalgia is the whole reason for these movies existing. We wanna know about Luke and the gang with all their adventures. Glad we got at least some of it.
  7. Dude this movie made me cry. We deserve the fan service damn it!!! It didn't disappoint.
  8. I think instagram models are fucking annoying. Its hard for me to think they're hot because of the obvious photoshops and edits.
  9. So apparently the majority of the leaks are true. Not sure if its good or bad news.
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