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Jersey Man10

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Jersey Man10

  1. Why are they reviewing this? Fuck you refs
  2. Damn is the Big 12 actually the strongest conference? Anyone can beat anyone.
  3. What's with the fans constantly doing the horns down lol?
  4. Both these teams could beat us. I'm depressed.
  5. Someone hasn't seen remember the titans...
  6. Yeah it was totally unnecessary. Good film but I could have lived without it.
  7. Jesus christ yall are bagging on a mentally ill 6th grader? Cop was a pussy ass bitch and should have never gotten involved.
  8. Thats what we thought before ousucks and look what happened.
  9. Guarantee you 100% that they don't.
  10. Revenge of the Sith is the best of the prequels period. I'm excited for 9 because TLJ was kinda meh. It just has to be better.
  11. Got tickets for 6 pm showing Thursday woot. I've been to every opener I ain't missing the last one.
  12. The usually go on sale right after the trailer.
  13. If I see a mothefucker say this shit one more goddamn time.... I've seen it vs every team this year except lsu and some against ou. Hell even in our first game against La Tech they managed to get lots of yards in the air so that should have been a huge red flag...then the lsu game happened... Stop saying the same fucking thing. We always play to the other teams shit level and give up a shit ton of yards. OH BUT THEY'RE TERRIBLE... shut the fuck up.
  14. Jesus it's like blowing the play dead immediately after hurts fumbled.
  15. Fuck it let's get mack back and win us a couple more titles.
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