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Certifiably Surly
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RPM last won the day on December 20 2019

RPM had the most liked content!


26757 Surly 1%

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  1. Do you really want to fuck with Deadpool's wife?
  2. I had a couple different CPO. I found local European shops with certified techs that were a lot less than MB Dealer on maintenance and they did good work. Even pointed out a few things the dealer didn't.
  3. Unfortunately nothing very interesting. I took an Ambien after NYE partying. Got up in the dark room to go pee, walked straight into a couch and faceplanted the wall. Was wearing my glasses and fucking titanium wins every time.
  4. Well, to be fair. He's from Oklahoma.
  5. Just wanted to drop by and confirm Joe Rogan is a meathead that peaked on News Radio. I think he spent too much time hanging with Andy Dick.
  6. Just glad I didn't lay 12.5 points.
  7. Do I know where I am right now? No, but I know it's Nevada.
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