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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RPM

  1. Hand picked by Rickover.
  2. He wasn't graduating, HER son was. Stepson showed up and started shit.
  3. Worth tuning in just to see which universe Hammer is in today.
  4. Wait just a minute here. There's a thread by a female that needs help with pipe and @Steel Shank didn't respond? Jeezus, this place is slipping.
  5. https://www.wgal.com/article/ntsb-investigation-baltimore-bridge-collapse/60310227 I don't understand where your outrage is coming from.
  6. You understand they live on the ship, right? They get resupplied if needed. I've been out to sea above the Arctic Circle longer than 2 months. Sitting in Baltimore would have been fuckin great by comparison. The investigation began the next day. Not sure when what department joined/launched their own. NTSB moves slow, but they usually get it right.
  7. Crew being confined to the ship isn't unusual.
  8. Bigger question is who is going to be standing under me if I do, 'cause it will not be pretty.
  9. It's difficult to get a guy to chop his leg off for a role.
  10. If you see 2, there's 20 more mating pairs you haven't spotted. West Fork of the Trinity feeds NTWD basin. Lake Worth, Eagle Mountain and Lake Bridgeport. The sumbitches show up at Runaway Bay and we got us a festival!
  11. Go North of Boyd and they will identify as boots.
  12. Von Richthofen and Brown has some pretty cool aerial shots.
  13. Russia marching into anywhere uninvited should always be met with a big Fuck You.
  14. Just finished watching. This film earned the coveted RPM Seal of Approval.
  15. My bad.I get those 2 mixed up. Just watched the Deano/Ricky version the other night.
  16. Ricky Nelson gets you hard.
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