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  1. Picasso... connect the dots.... Yeah... great metaphor.
  2. Who gives a shit? Apparently anyone walking the streets in austin does... anywhere they like... Oh... there's the florist... I think I'll take a dump... Oh... I feel horny... I think I'll take a dump... what a waste.... austin and ut perfect for each other.
  3. Steers and Queers. Get your KY out. LSU coming to town. Raping anything that aint on the football field. And breaking in two anything that is.
  4. you and me both. he got banned... like anyone with an imagination that's not willing to bend to the overlords' wishes!
  5. HECK... you're right... we know where we're going... ButtPlug Sales in Louisiana are reported up 10 million percent.
  6. my mom is a whore? yep. ut genius at work... Great comeback Dumbass Leftist Communist ... You Shit In The Streets In Austin too?
  7. You have to say this with the voice of a total dumbass... like duh.... .... "He mention words Alex jones... duh... I told by media Alex Jones is bad... duh.... I think everything not approved by govenmint is bad duh... I think you disagree with my ut professors... you duh stupid... duh... conclusion... Alex jones bad... you must be tin foil" You are the perfect ut protoype. A freaking brain dead moron.
  8. NEAUX.... I'll get banned pretty soon anyway. It's the ut way. LSU going to fix ut where it belongs saturday night.
  9. No dumbass. Tiger. Texan. Smart. ... hate the left. which is ut and austin.
  10. I think you steers and queers got corndog mixed up with CornHole...
  11. this is the perfect microcosm of ut arrogance. no... not everyone that hates ut is aggie. Most of Texas is learning to hate you. And those of us with a brain have seen how insane it is to have the ut outlaw cowboy costumes on halloween.. ut is a sick leftist joke of a school where freedom of speech and reasoned thought is outlawed... YOU FREAKING BANNED COWBOY COSTUMES ON HALLOWEEN. ut is a joke.
  12. Glad you got Hermann.. He's brought ut baaaaaaaack... TO A FOUR LOSS SEASON. Play in the SEC and youd be 6-6
  13. Because it wasn't approved by some Gay, Communist, Fourteen x Pie Gendered Professor???? ut is a shithole. austin is a literal shithole. Get your asses out of texas. Sending in my Tigers to right the freaking ship. Wait till those Tigahs hit your backs and receivers. I'll give you this. I dont think they'll hurt your QB. TOUGH SOB. True Texan.
  14. OK you I like... clever... Wait... That doesn't mean I want you to BooFoo me... Damn steers and ???
  15. 10000% LSU .... proving my point again... DUMBASS Everyone that hates u.t. isn't an aggie. There are those of us who live in Texas who have watched you dumbasses screw up austin and next you'll screw up texas... LSU is going to kick your asses hard Saturday night... Because true karma is that Austin and ut are shit holes. Literal shit holes. And you don't have to be an Aggie to figure that out. In fact.... now that you mention it... an aggie couldnt figure that out
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