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T’Boo Ted Marshall

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Everything posted by T’Boo Ted Marshall

  1. You’re much nicer than me. My mom passed away in ‘10 after 43 years with my Dad. He remarried 7 years ago. I call her by name. No association as I do not care for her. She does not come over for holidays which is nice.
  2. Same happened to me. My cost basis is maybe $4k but that’s not what it shows on Coinbase.
  3. Had the good guys -11 1H UMass +27 1H.
  4. The Substance. One of the worst movies I’ve ever seen.
  5. Beth’s lips are distracting me at this point.
  6. My wife does this while driving. I’ve considered hitting walls at 80 just so it will be quiet.
  7. My luck is not good. Had BYU-1 1H. Drove to about the KS 3 with a minute left and the QB way underthrows a fade for a INT.
  8. We are hosting this year. The weird family members asked to bring their dog for the long 45 minute trip. Said no so now they aren't coming. 3d chess here and I love dogs. The bourbon and assorted booze will be flowing. Dad's wife ain't coming so it will be a good day at my house.
  9. Baby Rhino has Rhino hands.
  10. Isn't that below MSRP for W12?
  11. I need to get my protein numbers up I haven’t been diligent about counting as I bum rush 50 in a month. Still lifting 3-5x per week and fluctuate between 187-192
  12. We have Hibachio here in Midlo that took over an old DQ. It’s pretty good and they have multiple locations.
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