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T’Boo Ted Marshall

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Everything posted by T’Boo Ted Marshall

  1. My Pecos pair are right at 29. I’m going to take them into the Red Wing store just to see the look on their faces when I ask about resoling.
  2. very easy for adjusters to figure that out.
  3. Watching Mom die from Leukemia was difficult. The worst part was during hospice at home I was reading to her while she was in bed. She was nearly gone at this point. I could see she wanted a drink of water and the hospice nurse advised giving her water at that point could cause her to choke. She was too weak. I couldn't give it to her. Her only son that she cared for throughout many years. I don't wish that moment on anyone. Stressful was when our daughter was being born. Our Dr thought the cord had somehow wrapped around her neck. Dr made a fast call and wheeled Mrs. T'Boo into the OR, performed an emergency C-Section and got her out in the span of 5 minutes. Both were fine, but that was crazy fast.
  4. I generally laugh in the direction of MOU’s.
  5. I think it would pair better with a spicy filet instead of the honey filet. It wasn’t bad though.
  6. Maybe don't ask for a happy ending this time? I kid I kid.
  7. Seems like Quinn picks where he thinks there will be a coverage lapse before the snap. As pointed out earlier, he misses open secondary options because he locks in.
  8. Add total prep and cook time of 15 minutes and this journey is complete.
  9. Not looking through 900 replies. What streaming options are available?
  10. Good episode but Ahsoka losing to Baylon wasn't believable for me.
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