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T’Boo Ted Marshall

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Everything posted by T’Boo Ted Marshall

  1. Eternals. Dragged and felt like the plot was weak.
  2. @crimsonlonghorn I really like my Buffalo Jackson weekend duffel. Very good quality stuff.
  3. Wife does the curbside pickup with Wal Mart and they have multiple bags with single items in them. Then she wants to save them all so we end up with a hundred bags when we only have 4 trash scans to use them in.
  4. 100% this. We vastly overestimated the weights. It’s a running joke now.
  5. This has long been my theory with hotels. As soon as I enter a room I turn the AC down as far as it will go. It reads 65 but no way it gets that cool.
  6. Yup. Sorry wasn’t trying to be sly on the location. I’ve seen more than a few posts over time pointing out that Turkey takes up room for better meats. Was a tad dry today.
  7. I thought Tangina had come back to life.
  8. Non PPR. Need 2 RB Mixon Swift Pollard Singletary Looks like Lamar is still going to be out but I can’t risk Huntley over Burrow as QB. Im overthinking my lineup now.
  9. When not on the sidelines you can probably find her under a feeder.
  10. You got all of this just dropping by?
  11. Same unless Waddle scores 41. Picked up Burrow as QB1 so that helped.
  12. So Kelce May or may not play. That’s nice. I’ll just wait around.
  13. Just noticed that the gift he gives his boss in the big boardroom is the same gift every other employee has given. They are all the same shape.
  14. Great time for Fournette, Kelce and mostly likely Lamar to be out.
  15. I’ll have to ask if she waffle stomped one.
  16. Got me. I can't imagine who would have told on her. Nobody was even in the men's bathroom.
  17. Very. Wife and I couldn't figure out what she had done to her face.
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