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  1. If futureman had said this, I would be a lot more worried.
  2. Kinda surprised this wasn't posted already
  3. Probably belongs in the Sark thread but why the fuck are we throwing right now?
  4. That's what I'm wondering out loud, too. At one point in the game, Fox showed a graphic about our runs to the left, up the middle, and to the right. 5 rushes to the right for 23 yards, 0 TDs. 7 rushes up the middle for 57 yards, 0 TDs. 6 rushes to the left for 125 yards and 2 TDs.
  5. Alright, well here's a trend I've noticed: when #3 is on the field we hang our nuts on people's heads. When he's not, it's a crap shoot.
  6. Yeah but is he Kai Money good?
  7. Has anyone been able to get the game to come up on ESPN+? Nevermind.
  8. More retarded than the urban meyer thread at its peak
  9. I actually lol'ed at this. Fuck BJ Foster
  10. I've seen this said a few times, but my question is why would he go to OU when they don't even have a coach right now? I can't see any coaches that could take the OU job that would make him want to go there. Either way - isn't he in the same spirit that Sam was and wanted to go to Texas from an early age?
  11. As much as I hope this would happen, IF OSU makes they’ll likely get Georgia first round and that’ll be like watching The Undertaker fight a baby.
  12. BJ foster not on the list makes it invalid
  13. Ok genius… would you rather play Josh Moore (cancer to the team) or Kai Money? I’m not saying that the coaches have immunity here, I’m just saying their hands are kinda tied.
  14. It’s not a talent issue. It’s a pride/ego/culture/discipline issue made worse by a coaching scheme that still needs adjusting.
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