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Michael Knight

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Michael Knight

  1. Are you seriously asking why the other racers didn't just go faster?
  2. And literally the same story arc happens every season so you don't have to worry about getting lost
  3. Team USA will be in trouble if that's the case
  4. Then the greatest FIBA player of all time is Lebron James
  5. not only did she fade to bronze she got DQed after
  6. wow that dutch chick just came on at the end
  7. That's not an interview it's CNN talking heads just reading their scripts pretending both sides are equal and valid
  8. And yet he's the all time Olympic scoring leader by a large margin
  9. He wasn't lucky enough to have been born in America so no
  10. Some guy named Oscar Schmidt would like a word with you
  11. Breaking Bad and West Wing pilots are completely different from the rest of the series
  12. Kobe Bryant dying really did alot for his legacy no way hes #2
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