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Michael Knight

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Everything posted by Michael Knight

  1. This season might have broken the football more than any of our past losing seasons. We like to make fun of texags but jesus we have some fucking mouth breathing morons on our side
  2. You're right, if every other team dies on the way to the stadium it will really make the committee think hard
  3. Unless you want to pretend there is some reality dr strange saw where Iowa beats Michigan there is 1 spot open in the playoffs the rest are taken by the SEC champ, the Pac12 champ and Michigan. The only argument we have is FSU whether they lose or look bad enough winning to justify putting Texas ahead of them
  4. If Oregon wins they go in period, like in what world does the #6 team beating the #3 team mean they drop below the #7 team?
  5. Are you people dense, am I taking crazy pills? Oregon losing makes them a 2 loss non championship team, they would be eliminated from playoff convention. Oregon winning means they go to the playoffs and a 1 loss Washington team has an argument that they should go to.
  6. Most of the battles he fought in he was outnumbered and inflicted more casualties than he lost.
  7. Everyone thought our DL was gonna suck this year and it was the strength of the team. I ain't worried about DL unless Bo Davis gets in the motherfucker
  8. lol this is like a gameday thread with you reactionary fucks melting down. All that matters is winning our game and then hoping FSU loses, the results of the other games do not matter to us unless all hell breaks loose and there are 8 1 loss teams
  9. He forgot "always score more points than the other team"
  10. I meant more in his name comes up every offseason wondering why we don't just hire him to coach here
  11. It was certainly a different take on Napoleon, but if you want a more complimentary view on the dude maybe don't hire a Englishman to tell the story
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