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Michael Knight

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Everything posted by Michael Knight

  1. They did the same with Thor, the original heroes got to have their trilogy arc
  2. Very satisfying, maybe Gunn can work magic with DC
  3. on the one hand, fuck the warriors but on the other fuck the lakers
  4. Maybe stick to something more your speed The Big Bang Theory had the same great characters from beginning to end and it even tells you when the jokes are funny.
  5. You're an idiot, please top watching the show or in the very least stop posting your stupid thoughts about it
  6. Less realistic than an American division 2 college football coach becoming a professional soccer coach in england having success and his team being promoted to the premier league and winning?
  7. Oh thank god, hopefully they throw anything he did in the trash
  8. You know shes in the show right?
  9. So far just foir Blade, but it could impact future projects like Captain America if the strike goes long which everyone expects will.
  10. We're gonna need to start defining mass shooting to be at least 20+ killed otherwise this board is gonna get filled with news threads no one cares about
  11. It is recency bias, the qualify of american basketball prospects has declined precipitously in the last decade, whether its just a dry spell or aau is stunting growth or a combination of factors but name the last great american basketball prospect that actually had success in college
  12. still a better post than most it was informative and topical. Now if we could get it's opinion on season 1 of ted lasso vs current we might be on to something
  13. Has anyone mentioned Karl Malone yet, cause fuck that guy.
  14. phoenix is a mentally weak team
  15. not sure if you've noticed but the west sucks too
  16. Is this the most trades ever, seems like every other pick is traded
  17. On the bright side freshmen 5 star recruits are pretty fucking useless in this era of college basketball.
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