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Michael Knight

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Michael Knight

  1. surly can stop complaining jett bush is hurt
  2. yeah but what about that 1 ball he didn't connect on huh what about that?
  3. So what are you pussies gonna bitch about the rest of the game
  4. Maybe he wants to go to Mizzou and the money is just a bonus
  5. Do they owe all this money if Fisher dies? Hypothetically speaking that is.
  6. Bonilla wound up making like 6 times what he would have made normally, perfect for Jimbo
  7. At this point I think Hakeem Jefferies has received more votes for Speaker of the House than any person in US History
  8. I thought they did the 2nd vote ,I didn't notice the top right saying earlier today on CSPAN
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