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Jerry Callo

Certifiably Surly
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  1. Jerry Callo

    We got Soul?

    If you haven't seen it yet, Stax: Soulville U.S.A is a great documentary on Max.
  2. That's awesome. My exposure to Willie came from my parents. First concert I attended was a Willie concert at the Austin Opera House circa 1982. My wife and I will be out there again this year. If I run into you, I'll buy you a drink.
  3. DJ Gold Skullet
  4. At most places there is a noticeable difference between an hour before and an hour and 15 minutes before.
  5. I told the wife that there would be a turnover on the inbound. So predictable.
  6. I opened my office window after lunch since it was so nice out. A few hours later, I could taste the air. It felt like a Dune sequel driving home this evening.
  7. He posted something in this thread that was meant for another thread. Then removed it.
  8. I thought if you made it all the way to Oregon without getting dysentery you were home free.
  9. Yeah. He laughed during his monologue more than the audience.
  10. I can't stand small rooms with lots of people, full elevators, or general admission concerts. On the other hand, last time I had an MRI, in a fully enclosed MRI machine, I dozed off. Turns out I'm not claustrophobic, I just don't like people.
  11. Jerry Callo

    Austin FC

    I was yelling at BV all the way down the pitch to quit trying to foul. Our defenders were back, they didn't need the forward to mug that player. That loss is on him.
  12. I don't have a problem with sneks, but the fuck if I'm going in a room where they keep cobras in bus tubs.
  13. Now do FIOL or FOIL or whatever. No wonder I suck at math.
  14. 100 percent. I think it's a combination of (1) it not being a interrogation session, like walking into their room to question them about something or come out we need to talk about this or that; (2) casual conversation leads to more; and (3) not being face-to-face requiring eye contact like sitting across the dinner table. I actually shead a tear when my daughters started driving themselves to practice.
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