Mom got caught in a computer scam. Clicked on something and alarms started blaring. Eventually found someone to assist her which included several telephone calls and her have a picture taken on a signed, blank check. She didn't call me until after doing that. Scrambled around for about 4 hours locking down credit cards and bank accounts. Fortunately, she didn't lose anything.
Afterwards, she met with a guy from the senior center that helped secure her computer from future scams. He installed a free service from Avast that protected her browser. The free service ended up costing much more than the original scam. Avast kept sending popups about services that she needed. Turns out, she paid for hundreds of dollars worth of VPN services, multiple computer protections, etc. Some of the services had multiple, auto-renew subscriptions. None of which she needed. I was eventually able to get the subscriptions cancelled and the auto-renews stopped. It took over a year to get all of that completely stopped because she had subscriptions through two different accounts.
I'm not sure which is worse - fraudulent scammers or the legitimate scammers.