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Jerry Callo

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Jerry Callo

  1. Thanks for the heads up. I'll update my barbecue spreadsheet.
  2. NBC's coverage of the Olympic trials for swimming was really extensive. The Olympic page on Peacock has about ever sport listed looks like it will be streaming everything (Men's and Women's Race Walk Finals are scheduled for 2:00 am on 8/1). I've been following the Tour de France on Peacock for the last 20 days. They have full coverage of the stages, 25 min highlights of stages, and several shorter highlights (interviews with stage winners, etc.). One problem is spoilers. If you're clicking around trying to find the comprehensive highlight of the days stage, it is really hard not to see the window next to it that shows an interview with the winner of that stage. Too much background, but I fear there will be similar spoiler highlights lurking around the Olympics on Peacock.
  3. Michelin can keep its stars away from our barbecue joints as far as I'm concerned. I don't need more dipshits showing up making the wait even longer. As a compromise, they can star up Frankin and leave the rest alone.
  4. I have a couple Cyclops fluid trainers that work fine. Not high tech, though. Can't give you any advise on specific brands, but I will tell you to check craigslist and Facebook marketplace. I got newly new trainers for less than half of the cost new off of craigslist. These are the types of things that people think they need/want and then end up not using.
  5. Float fished the San Marcos yesterday from San Marcos River Retreat to Scull Road - took about 4.5 hours. What a beautiful river. There are some minor rapids along the way and Cottonseed Rapids which can be tricky in a fishing kayak. There were two people on the trip that flipped over. Flyfishing from a kayak can be a real pain in the ass. I suspect I spent as much time untangling fly line than I did actually casting. Ended up with a couple Guadalupe bass and a couple sunfish. I was paddling with a group, one of which is a guide. He didn't do much better, so I don't feel bad. I'd do the float again.
  6. PM sent for what its worth. Peacock's user interface really sucks and it's tough to avoid spoilers.
  7. Pog is such a fun rider to watch. Great stage today.
  8. What the fuck was Pog doing at the front of a bunch sprinit? I love the racer in this kid - no way his team coaches want him anywhere near the front in the final few kilometers.
  9. You know my first impulse was to run up on you and do a Rambo
  10. Nien! That one hit wonder does not hold a candle to the greatest Austrian rapper ever - RIP.
  11. You should get one and use it in your kitchen.
  12. Eels on a plane doesn't have the same ring to it.
  13. We were at a New Years Eve party and they were passing out the poppers that you toss on the ground to explode. One dad specifically instructed his son before handing them over - "do not put these in your mouth!" I never would had thought to tell that to one of my daughters. This kid has either done it before or dad knew it was well within the realm of possibility.
  14. I marvel at the advancement in technology in the last 35 years.
  15. I would like a prorated refund of my July treefiddy tithe. Also, I am not happy about having to change my password from 2yutes. Thanks @immamac for your shit unborking.
  16. *Aemond. Aegon's dragon burst into flames when it hit the ground. Keep up.
  17. I hope Daemon is done with the Hamlet talking to ghosts stuff. We get it, he's conflicted.
  18. 1 out of 10. I would definitely try a bite.
  19. Not sure why Remco want the three leaders to break away 40 miles from the finish. No reason to be riding this stage without support from teammates.
  20. This is a fun stage to watch. Peak stress levels for everyone involved.
  21. Not sure way turkey left two players 30 yards out.
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