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Everything posted by Hawndoh

  1. everything about the idea of that play was stupid.
  2. He should get a point for hitting the little flag on the top of the upright.
  3. He should probably not try high stepping with guys that close to him too often.
  4. hahaha, 3rd and 26 and you give up a TD
  5. Texas vs the Rust Belt. Let's gooooo
  6. Hahahha suck it Georgia
  7. Did you not expect a commercial at the end of a quarter?
  8. Everyone false starts, #59 gotta be thinking "why I get blamed?'
  9. ND should probably learn the rules
  10. Fuck all you pussies who gave up in the 4th quarter
  11. Our strategy of letting the other offense play so much that they tire themselves out is apparently going to work.
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