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Everything posted by Hawndoh

  1. Alex Palou apparently going to McLaren. Pretty big news
  2. If only they could make the cars a bit smaller and lighter. Keep the aero rules, lose the weight of the batteries and turbos, add two or four cylinders back in there, and make the cars shorter and narrower. That's what I'd like.
  3. Tom Hanks best work is still and will always be The Burbs.
  4. Not sure. I think possibly the damage to Leclerc's front wing, the damage to Perez's front wing, and Verstappens damaged floor created a much more competitive situation than maybe it would have been otherwise. But whatever the reason the two Ferraris, Perez and Hamilton put on a great show after the safety car.
  5. Brits were going to boo Max regardless of anything. He beat their boy.
  6. Courtesy waving might return when courtesy driving returns. Been since everyone drives like selfish assholes at all times, don't hold out hope.
  7. Racing takes money to be competitive. Money requires sponsors. Sponsors don't like the optics when the driver in the car they sponsor drops racial slurs. He wasn't necessarily fired for the slur. He was fired because the slur makes him a brand risk and could cut off sponsor money.
  8. Every school in the nation had free lunch for everyone for a while due to the pandemic. That is expiring. Most places will be returning to their pre-covid free lunch programs this school year.
  9. That's a pretty small pool.
  10. I assume the limiter is to keep the bike from exploding, not to save any lives.
  11. I just assumed the bike has a speed limiter.
  12. Their only advantage is less people to interact with and cooler summers.
  13. Given how bumpy every freeway in Dallas is and the general state of road maintenance around here, you have to be monumentally stupid to go that fast.
  14. Faster than 9, not quite 11.
  15. Not every ISD has their own PD. My district is one of the largest in the state and we do not. I don't know for sure but I'm guessing it has to do with money. Districts that get a shit load of money from Robin Hood have to spend it or lose it, so they spend it on crazy stuff. Districts that pay money into the system like mine can barely pay enough to retain good teachers. We can't afford our own police force. In fact a few years ago they cut the funding that hires a resource officer from the city PD and every middle school post their officer. They could only afford the high school cops. Then after one of the other many school shootings, I forget which one, there was community pressure to put them back in the middle schools. We still can't afford to put one in every elementary school, as there are dozens of those campuses. And in the all the years I've taught with a resource officer on my campus, none of those officers ever inspired me with much confidence that they would much good in an emergency. That's my guess anyway, I'm too lazy to look up where Uvalde lands in the gets vs gives money pecking order.
  16. My power has blipped off a couple times today. Currently out right now. Fun times in Texas.
  17. The door could still have been locked. Just because the door can't be locked from the inside doesn't mean much. In our school the doors are always locked and then just held cracked open with a stopper so you can come and go. But if it latches it is already locked and would need a key to enter. Most schools are supposed to work that way these days. That way anyone can immediately secure a door regardless of whether they have a key.
  18. If you think horses are free from emissions you haven't been around too many horses.
  19. I find this whole thing funny. Golf as an entire institution is all about the money. Country Clubs are about the money. Half the people I know that play golf don't actually enjoy it. They play it because they have reached a level of wealth where it is expected you join a club and golf to network with other rich dudes. Some pros are cashing a big fat check and now all of a sudden other rich guys are upset. Golf is one big wealth show off hobby, and the Saudis take showing off wealth to the extreme. It's totally consistent with everything golf is about.
  20. all classroom doors in our school are like this. There is a key hole on the outside, but you can open the door from the inside whether the door is locked or not. Prevents entry to the room, but anyone in the room can always escape. The doors do not allow anyone to be locked in a room, only locked out. And our procedure is that classroom doors are locked 100% of the time. We just have magnets you put in the door frame that slightly props the door so it doesn't latch. That way in a lockdown, anyone can pull the magnet and shut the door in seconds whether they have a key or not. Students can pull the magnet, etc. These magnets are specifically designed for this. You can google "lockdown magnet" and see lots of versions.
  21. Well now Scheffler is likely out of it
  22. Scheffler isn't out of it
  23. Or your username checks out
  24. Maybe he is used to meters and slipped back to that? 177 meters is like 193 yards, so that's closer at least
  25. This game changed in a hurry.
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