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Everything posted by Hawndoh

  1. This is a beat down. OSU looks like they want to go home
  2. They saw the same stuff, but to them it isn't mental issues. It aligns with their world view.
  3. I read they turned their phones off and got 4 grand from an ATM. I guess their master plan is to go start a new life somewhere with 4 grand and leave their kid to rot in jail. Couple of geniuses.
  4. Anyone have thoughts or opinions regarding truck bed racks that are easily removed? I eventually want a taller rack so I can haul a kayak while towing a travel trailer. But I want to be able to relatively easily remove it and store it away when not needed.
  5. These things happen a lot, you just don't hear about them.
  6. Guessing some kind of disciplinary action was about to take place that set him off.
  7. Those kinds of things have changed over the years. When I first began teaching 15 years ago my classroom key could open every other classroom on my campus. Now our keys are departmentalized. My classroom key can only open my door and my immediate neighbors that teach the same subject as me. There are legit school business reasons why I would need to access a fellow math teachers room nearby. But if someone ever took my key from me they could only access a small handful of rooms in the building. There are only a small number of keys that can open all the doors. And I'm not positive but I think the police department also has that key, or maybe the police have a key to a lockbox in the office that has the universal key, something like that, I am not sure.
  8. That scenario is irrelevant to the training. It's about mitigating possibilities. It is WAY more likely a shooter is going to say "this is the police open the door" than they will track down the maybe 4 people that have the universal key, kill them, find their keys, figure out which key is the one that works, and then goes to open the doors. That is such an unlikely thing. There are lots of nonsensical "what if" scenarios. That doesn't mean you don't implement procedures to address the most likely possibilities.
  9. Parents are probably trying to protect themselves just as much as their kid since it was the dad's gun.
  10. Man I wish we had tanked our season like Riley did!
  11. Then they can open the door? That doesn't change the fact that the kids in the room are trained not to let anyone in. Ideally that janitor is also locked down behind a closed door as well.
  12. The "not answering the door even if they say they're police" thing is part of most lockdown procedures. At our school during a lockdown your room is cleared when police or admin unlock your door with a key. Even if they announce on the PA that the lockdown is over, it's not. The thinking is that it could be an announcement being made under threat.
  13. Run the ball, get first downs, kill the clock
  14. The lady was on Community and the guy is from I think The League. He's also on a million podcasts, he's pretty funny. And yes they have a whole series of commercials.
  15. Sleeves don't warm much when they're all wet.
  16. Cold and snow flurries should help UM more than OSU yes? Maybe hinder OSU passing attack a little?
  17. Personally I'm tired of Tatooine, and if Boba is already set there I don't need another series in the same locations. One of my favorite things about Mandalorian was that it took us to lots of different places.
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